Sea Lettuce??


I have some "sea Lettuce" in one of my tanks. I purchsed it from Seahorse Farms, but there doesn't seem to be any way of anchoring it so it stays put. It appears to be doing well, but it kind of just goes where it wants. I would like to put it somewhere and have it stay there. Any ideas?


Not wanting to sound dumb or anything....but why would most people be trying to get rid of it??:confused:


I guess if your fish keep up with the rapid growth it could be o.k..The main part of the article follows: These large mats of algalflora rob the Cove of oxygen through the process of respiration. In addition, as this weed expires, the decaying material releases nitrogen back into the water. This is a natural cycle; however, Round Cove is an ideal habitat for Sea Lettuce and therefore Ulva has thrived. We believe a significant increase in nitrogen loading has occurred causing the algae to bloom and the water quality in Round Cove to decline.
the reason why places sell it all the time is because for one it usually doesnt start to grow in the tank very rapidly or at all. and second a lot of fish will eat it and copepods thrive on it which will make them reproduce and seahorses will eat them all day.


try this, put it in a lettuce clip with the suction cup removed, burry the clip in the sand and it will stay put, I do this with my calurpa so it doesn't anchor to rock and grow out of control.