Sea slugs??


Has anybody had experience with sea slugs. How long do they live? What do they eat? Do they need to be fed special foods are should they just be alowed to graze on the live rock and glass? Do they release anything when they die like sea cucumbers do? I am very interested in getting a couple for both my 20 gallon and 26 gallon tanks. One tank is seahorse only and the other has a few gobies. The ones i am interested in, are purple with orange tips in certain places.


Active Member
I don't really know too much about them but I do know they realease a toxin when they die that can wipe out your tank. Also I have heard a lot of peoples slugs have gotten stuck in the filter and died witch then wiped out their tank or something like that. They also release toxin when scared witch I think it fatal to fish but never had any personal experience with them.