Sea swirl?


Active Member
I don' see why not because the sea swirls use an electric motor to turn it instead of water pressure.:D


Active Member

Originally posted by spmnarciso
Will a SeaSwirl system work with an above display refugium return?

It would work but the GPH going though a fuge is so small I don't think it would be worth it...
Originally posted by chriscobb

Yep and expensive for what your getting

I guess that depends on how you look at it...Mine are 4 years old and still running great. I did break one early this year while trying to unscrew the barbed fitting. I sent it back to SS to be fixed. They rebuilt the whole unit including new motor for 20.00. It worked so good I sent back the other one..


why the above fuge sergio??????? my oppinion if you are getting past 150gallons then the fuge seems to not be worth putting above.........although it is a large size (40g and up) i would just keep it below and use a roti-drip to supply live food to the tank (i know a great guy about 1 hour north that sells live phyto and roti's)
also if you do it above i find my fuge likes alot of flow (the flow through my algae is close to 900gph) so if you are planning something like 600-100gph then yes do the above fuge and use sea swirl....


Active Member
hey reefer, when I started this hobby, I went into it not knowing the mechanics of it all, thus not knowing that I would need more space for all that was needed. My setup is a bit odd, but works for the space I have. Pump for skimmer pulls water from display, goes through skimmer, and dumps into my above display fug., where it gets filtered through macro, carbon, then phosphate reactor, and then finally makes its way to my display. So you see, I have high flow through fug. already. I wish I had the space for another skimmer, a large fug. and sump, but I don't and have to make do till I buy a new house. I want to increase the flow alittle and have it be more random...thought that a seaswirl would be something to look into, since I will probably use it on my new setup.
However I think I might look into the rotating heads that OM makes. CHEAPER.
BTW, can you email me some more info on that roti/phyto supplier.


oh i thought this was planning for the new setup....if already set up i would get the sea swirl (you will use it on your new system to)....the om will be good for the fuge setup you have now but i would go with the sea swirl for your new setup (so why not kill 2 birds with one stone and get sea swirl now)
although over priced they really help randomize the current which the sps seem to just love