SEAAPPLE experience


question i just got myself a seaapple but i been hearing some bad things about them anyone in here has had any experience with them can you let me know..

ric maniac

Active Member
I personally would flush it. It isn't worth the risk having one, and it wont live very long anyway IMHO.


Originally Posted by ric maniac
I personally would flush it. It isn't worth the risk having one, and it wont live very long anyway IMHO.

for reals like that how long will it live for and what are the cons of having it


Active Member
From what I know, they stress kind of easily. They have the ability to release toxin when stressed, and guaranteed when they die. I remember reading someone had a sea apple (or brightly colored cuke, but still same effect) in a shark tank, and it died and nuked every one of his sharks.
I would say to be VERY careful if you must have it, but it would be quite possibly the only time I would take the 1/2 store credit at my LFS.


yeah that sucks well i guess i just have live it the fact. and i just have to get ride of it tonight and next time i will just reserch the fish then buyit


Active Member
Just take it back to the store. They are NOT guaranteed to die, BTW, but they are filter feeders and need special care. In a species tank, they are quite easy to keep...but not for new hobbyists or community (definitely not aggressive) tanks. They are also not guaranteed to cause problems, but it is a very real possibility.
I would just take it back to the store.


Active Member
i personally think they are an awesome animal, but would never keep one with any other animal in the tank--well, maybe some damsels that i couldnt get out of the tank...
like ophiura said, if you want to keep it, just keep it by itself.


Well-Known Member
... that's what the lfs wants you to do. The 1/2 credit that they give you pays for the item and they make a small profit. If the item dies, they could care less, they made their money.
Oh well.