seabe anemonie!!! fast!!


mine looks like num one but has shorter tentacles and re on the yellow side. but he has only been in the tank for 3 hours.


ok today i woke up and he was aupside down on the same spot eh was yesterday. i came back from skool and still the same. he is like half way closed. i took him out of the water to see if he would close because he might of like died. but he staid the same!! is he daead?? im going for a 3 day trip tomorow and i dont want my nitrates to up or somwething should i just take him out ???


Stop touching him, this is only causing him stress. Taking him out of the water is also causing stress. Try to get it upright if possible but then leave him alone. If it had been dead then you would have known by the smell when you took him out of the water, or he simply would have disintigrated in your hand while still in the tank. These are (especially the sebae) delicate animals. A dead anemone will look like a blob of melting ice cream. Yours isn't dead.
Is someone going to watch, feed and top off, your tank while you are away?
First two weeks are critical and he will be acclimating himself in many ways to your tank. Try to feed him before you go on your trip.
Can you post a pic of yours?