


Originally posted by IswimNOTchoke
dacia y did u decide to start having fish? j/w b/c u have nemo icon and uve jsut started after the movie AND ur getting clowns

Why are you flaming people so much? We visit this site for info and to relate with people. You know, kinda like long distance friends. You sound kinda like a newb yourself. Play nice or not at all.:mad:


Active Member
if u take things as flamming, than u wish to be flamed or for someone else to be flamed.
i wonder if that makes sense:confused:
neways... maybe dacia like u know, did like the movie or something an dlike wanted to be like cool and all and get the fish like thousands of people... lol... who knows why she did it. if she wanted to get clownfish because of the movie good for her... the reason why i say this is because she has taken the time out to look at this site and participate with it. That is what makes a difference than the normal people... ya know??? Thumbs up Dacia


:confused: ?????
Didn't understand that begginning sentence.
Killafins if thats what you think then flame away on me. I don't care. It doesn't make sense to flame anybody on here. Were all here for the same thing.


Active Member
omg, lol... just ignore it than. Basically i was giving u advice... if u take things as if being flamed than u r lookign to being flamed. If u take things as advice or just someone's 2 cents than it'll be someone's 2 cents. All I am saying is that what u read is not what the other person may have typed. man... lol. All I am saying is that maybe, just maybe... i swim not choke didn't mean it that way. Maybe he did, maybe he did not. If everyone looks ont he positive side of things... than this wouldn't happen.;) I wasn't flamming nobody... having a bad day or sumfing?


Active Member
I've been keeping fish for years. I bought a new tank right after Christmas, BEFORE Nemo came out with the idea that it was going to be a SW tank. However, I did not have enough money to do it until recently, so it was just a goldfish tank until about a month ago. I moved my goldies to a different tank and redecorated my tank with SW things. Since it is only 20 gallons, clowns would be perfect for it. I also plan to get a royal gramma and a CC star, neither of which were in Finding Nemo. And many people use Nemo characters as their avatar...even Thomas 712...I think it's a good movie. Very funny. OK? :p


Active Member
good for u... dont' get the starfish. Another thing u need to wait for a long time to ensure ur tank is weill matured and paramters are excellent


Active Member
Don't worry, everything will be perfect before I decide to add anything living (other than sand or rock) to my tank. It has been cycling since the end of June, and I plan to wait at least 2 weeks after all levels are perfect to make sure that it is stable. Besides, after all that time has passed, all the kids around here will be over the whole Nemo craze and I will be able to buy a couple of nice clowns at my LFS. :D
I'm just glad that my local cinema didn't shove tons of clowns and tangs in a little tank like I heard so many others did! I used to work at the cinema at the mall around here and that would have really upset me. It's bad enough to go to the LFS in Concord and see hundreds of "feeder fish" in a 20 gallon tank...:mad: :mad: :mad: Those "feeders" are normally bought to live in ponds anyway so why not treat them like living creatures if they are not going to be dropped into a tank of oscars? Oh well...


Dacia, I tried pronouncing Louisville you're way but it just sounds dorky coming out of a Northerner.
Back on topic to the off topic discussion, Roger Ebert gave Sea Biscuit 3 and 1/2 stars. I'm looking forward to seeing it tonight or tommorrow. Hopefully, I can talk my girlfriend into going with me. She's one of the people saying "A horse movie is the last thing I want to see."
Thanks for the compliments on my clown pic. Here's another one.


Same here Sterling.
Everyone loved it, and the fact that it was based on a true story made it even better. War Admiral was the last horse to win triple crown right?Go Seabicut, go seabiscut, it's your birthday, it's your birthday, we're gonna partay, like it's your birthday!;)
Great movie, great horse, small horse though, especially against War Admiral. 18hh!!!!!!!!!! That's as big as a Shire! Seabiscut was scarcely bigger than most Arabians or Cobs!


i loved the movie. btw im with Lurch694u. IswimNOTchoke it dose seem you flame a lot. hwo cares if it is OT. you dont have to
and who care if dacia started bc the movie.


I don't know how many have won the Triple Crown since War Admiral, but there's been a few, including Secretariat. Maybe Alydar and/or Affirmed also?
sorry but i dont come to the fish discussion board to hear about movies...if ppl want to talk about movies then cant they do that somewheres else? that would be like me posting a post that i love the color pink..sorry if everyone is mad at me but hey im speaking what i think, be mad at me because i want to come to a "fish disscusion" chat board and talk about fish:(


IswimNOTchoke if you dont like it dont click on it. you dont have to see it if you dont want to. if you dont want to see things ot then why did you check out this thread? there is mostly fish related thread and what 1 or 2 ot who cares. its nice to sometimes get a break from fish.
sorry but i dont come to the fish discussion board to hear about movies
there is 1 ot about a movie out of 30 on this page. your right there is way to many lets make sure that never happens again.
your the only one that has a problem with this tread.


This is alittle OT but since you were talking about Nemo here is a funny/ sad story. The guy at a LFS, one I don't really like but have a punch card and get my fish food there cheap, he was telling me that after Nemo came out a bunch of people were coming in buying clowns. Well they would bring them back a day later dead, not understanding why they had died. Turns out they thought they could jjust put table salt in their FW tanks and all would be fine. All those poor fish.:( One of the reasons I don't like this store is they are out to make a buck and the dealer couldn't take the time to explain to theese people that they need to replicate the ocean in order to keep SW fish.:mad: .


Active Member
Boy this thread is all over the place! I just saw sea biscuit and it is a fantastic movie, it is so much more than a horse movie, even though I love horse movie's (I have ridden and owned horses since I was a kid). I would recommend this movie highly (although the kids out there may think it is boring). Great Drama.


Melody, when you get a horse "off the track" you need to give it a few months of down-time. Meaning, just lots of turn-out during the day, handling, teaching new things to. They often come off the track pretty high ("hot"). You need to have someone experienced in horses to help you if you go to look at any and/or buy one and re-train it.
You have to be careful, because often times they will have injuries that, if you don't know what you're looking for, you will not notice it.
We always have the horses at least trotted on a lead-rope and then we can look for any lameness and then check their legs for bumps, swellings, heat (sign of injury) etc.
I have gotten about 10 horses in this manner in the past few years and have loved it. We had one with a spiral fracture of her cannon bone and was on stall-rest and hand walking for 6 months before she could be ridden or turned out. And another that we finally discovered had an old fractured pelvis that had healed, but she always had a little "gimp" at the trot. They often fracture the pelvis in the starting gates or when babies banging around.



Originally posted by sterling
I don't know how many have won the Triple Crown since War Admiral, but there's been a few, including Secretariat. Maybe Alydar and/or Affirmed also?

Oh, ya, I remember Secretariat, and Affirmed, whose greatest competitor was Alydar.But since they were both three at the same time both could not have won it:rolleyes: