seachem 8.4

keith gray

Has anyone used this product ? My PH is OK at 8.3 but my alkalinity is at 6! My LFS told me to use this because it would raise alkalinity. I have been dosing for 4 days now and it has only raised KH from 5 to 6.
I am putting into my overflow, should I dose it directly to tank to see if it would work better or should I use something else ?
All of my other parameters are good: nitrates and phosphates are at 0
PH is 8.3
Calcium is at 460
salinity 1.029
thoughs anyone ?


Dosing to your overflow is fine. You want to be sure that you're not moving your pH too quickly... but buffers don't raise pH.
I've used Seachem prods in the past, and they seem to work well, IMHO.
What alk are you looking to get to... 5-7 is about right... and the products are designed to get you to that number... so, first, check your test kit. Then, check to make sure that you're counting on the right scale (there are several for alk).
And finally know that Alk -- Calc are a balance beam, with pH (and ultimately salinity) as the pivot point.... too much Alk will bring your Calc down ... because basically, too much alkalinity means you have a lot of CO3 (carbonates, bicarbonates) and these bind with Calcium to form Calcium Carbonate (limestone). There are extensive chemistry papers on this, regarding seawater -- both natural and in our tanks.
If you pH is up, and stable (do a nighttime test) and your calc is fine, i wouldn't screw with it too much... if you think you have some serious issues, you should just schedule a handful of 20-30% water changes over few days to correct your chemistry... unless that's completely impractical, liek you have a 500g tank or something... (been there).

keith gray

Everything I have read says the KH should be 7-12 so I at least wanted to be at 7.
I don't test my water that often, but I noticed that one of my frog spawns was looking like crap for a couple of weeks and I have not moved it or done anything to cause this so I decided to test everything. All other parameters looked good except KH. Oddly enough, all of my other corals look good.
I will test PH tonight and see what it looks like, but I wish I could get KH up some too. I just wondered if this was the right product or if I should try something like reef builder or something else. I considered calling Seachem and asking their opinion but could not find a cutomer care number, I just saw an email address that stated they would answer questions within 5-7 business days (that sucks).
thoughts everyone ?


right, sorry i was using meq/l (3-5) versus dKH of 7-12)... and, as i said before, you're running "high" at Calcium, so getting your Alk any higher is going to come at the "expense" of making your Calcium lower...
They have a phone number and email on their contact page:
And, this is from their "support" forum:
>Re: aquavitro eight.four

>[snip] Each 7mL of eight.four into 30 gallons of water (a standard dose) will raise alkalinity by 0.7 dKH. This should be measurable on >your test kit fairly quickly after dosing, given sufficient time for the product to equilibrate with your existing tank water.
So, of course the next question is, how much have you been dosing to how big a system for those 4 days?
And, I'm not clear on the difference between 8.4 and Reef Builder -- both seem to be buffer systems, although 8.4 seems to have some direct action on pH, which Builder won't, being strictly a buffer.
And, here's a good article explaining how Alk-Calc are sort of on opposite ends of the balance beam.

keith gray

Great info - I will call them. I have a 75 gallone and the first 3 days I dosed as recommended with the inner cap. The last does I increased some, but still 6! I will give them a call
thanks a lot

keith gray

Just spoke with Seachem. They say to continue with this product and even twice a day if need be until alkalinity balances with calcium. Calcium being a little high it may take a little longer but she said it would come up.
Patience as usual. Thanks for the contact number


Do you want to know the true secret to raising your alk? Baking soda. No joke. Google 'reef calculator' and click the first link that comes up which should say 'Reef Chemistry Calculator'. Click on the Traditional button and your set. Plug in your tank size and your current reading and your target and it will tell you what you need to add. Will also help you with Calcium and Magnesium. You want to get your Magnesium right first actually, then your alk and finally your calcium will level out. Use plain old espom salt for mag and you can get dow flakes for the calcium. It is like ten times cheaper then buying the supplements from the store.


Well-Known Member
I would research dr randy holmes-farley diy 2 part system.
Never add additives soley to change pH. PH is affected by carbon dioxide and simply adding macro algaes to consume carbon dioside will bring the just before light out pH to 8.4-8.8 with the api test kit.
baking soda will raise kH rapidily and inexpensively. Verfy small amount can do it. like a teaspoon for a 55g or so. Just add some then remeasure kH.
my .02