Does anyone use Seachem Marine Buffer? I ordered it thinking it was similar to Kent Superbuffer but it reads different so I'm wandering if it's a good product to raise alk. Any ideas?
Not sure if the buffer raises alk. I remember reading it was a blended product that did alk and ph. If you want stictly alk then Reef Builder is the way to go.
Be careful of raising your Borate levels too high. This can make it difficult to track true Carbonate Hardness because Borate will be included in most Alk/Kh tests.
i use it, and I am about to go back to Kent superbuff. You have to add Seachem very slow or it will temporaraly skyrocket your PH. It's a little scary.
Thanks for the replies everyone. Guy, where does the Borate come in? Is this common in this product or all buffers? Man, there is always something new to learn