seachem reef salt question


Well-Known Member
Has anyone else used this?
No matter how long I mix this salt, the water is always cloudy no matter what.
Suggestions? I think I am switching to instant ocean.


Active Member
I don't have experience with it, but I have experience with instant ocean and I hate it. IO has an alk of 12 and calcium of 350...which kinda sucks. I mean, it's fine, but if you have a reef tank, I don't recommend it. Here is a chart (I didn't make it, but it is still helpful). I hope it is easy to read, I tried my best.
Aquatic Gardens. . . . . . . . . . . . .430..........8............1240
Crystal Sea Marinemix..................340..........9............1050
Crystal Sea Marinemix Bio-Assay....340..........9............1050
Instant Ocean............................350.........12............1070
Marine Environment.....................480.........7.5...........1450
Oceanic....................................580..........8.5 ..........1650
Red Sea....................................400...........8............1300
Red Sea Coral Pro.......................490...........7............1300
Reef Crystals.............................420..........12...........1260
SeaChem Marine Salt...................500.........10............1400
SeaChem Reef Salt......................540.........10...........1450
Tropic Marin...............................370.........10...........1230
Tropic Marin Pro Reef...................450.........8.5..........1380
Tunze Reef Salt..........................420.........9.5...........1350


Hmm I use seachem Reef salt and love it have used seachem Marine but its not great for corals . I had no Problems with either one with being cloudy.
But i use a mag 9 to mix with with for 2 days
I dont know where I read this, but, I read if you put the salt in first and then add water it is hard to mix, dont know how true, seems to be with me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
Has anyone else used this?
No matter how long I mix this salt, the water is always cloudy no matter what.
Suggestions? I think I am switching to instant ocean.

How do you mix your water? Even after adding salt to the water, you should still have a powerhead to circulate your mix for at least 24 hours, along with a heater to keep it your tank level. Mixing w/powerhead for a day or 2 should result in clear water.
I use Reef Crystals and aside from having to add a little calcium once in awhile, it's great stuff IMO.


Active Member
I love SeaChem's reef salt. Mixes just fine for me, whether I add the salt first or after. I circulate my bucket with an aqua clear powerhead.
The table posted is nowhere near accurate. The current bag of SeaChem salt I am using now has a calcium of 390. I have used Oceanic salt that constantly had a much lower alkalinity. Regular Tropic Marin usually ran a little lower in calcium, and I have never seen a batch of Crystal Sea salt that was above 300 in calcium.
You cannot go by those tables. So many times, each batch is different.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I love SeaChem's reef salt. Mixes just fine for me, whether I add the salt first or after. I circulate my bucket with an aqua clear powerhead.
The table posted is nowhere near accurate. The current bag of SeaChem salt I am using now has a calcium of 390. I have used Oceanic salt that constantly had a much lower alkalinity. Regular Tropic Marin usually ran a little lower in calcium, and I have never seen a batch of Crystal Sea salt that was above 300 in calcium.
You cannot go by those tables. So many times, each batch is different.
It is ballpark, I would say...true every batch is different.


Well-Known Member
it's a newly made batch. It wouldn't matter what alk is?
It's happened to me for 4 buckets now. I have over 1240 gallons that I have to fill and this salt is making me mad!!!


Active Member
mixes cloudy and leaves a white residue on my storage bin. I emailed them and they said some people will have the residue (some people wont) and its harmless. they suggested a smaller powerhead so I went to a mini jet (110gph) in a 45g bin and it still does it. There have been several complaints of this. It does settle and I get clear water in my bin eventually (still white residue on the walls) but as soon as I mess with it to collect water the settled residue clouds the water right back up. It clears quickly in my tank and causes no tank cloudiness but still I dont want salt that mixes cloudy or leaves residue (which they acknowledged it can). I've tried quite a few brands now and still havent found the perfect one (id: doesn't mix easy, too low ca, too much ca, low alk ect) so after this bucket of sechem reef salt its off to the next brand to try.