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Does anyone have any experience with Seachem "Reefstatus" Magnesium, Stronium, and Calcium test kits? I was getting ready to purchase and read some bad reviews, but I am not sure of the experience level of the reviewers. Wanted to check here for some advise/comments. Thanks
I have the Seachem Mag and Cal test kit.
Calcium test kit requires a dilution test water with about cap full of RODI. It is as accurate as my salifer & the 475 ppm reference solution.
The Magnesium/Carbonate test kit is a bit tedious. For example, the magnesium test kit requires the use of a cotton floss to filter out some precipitated particles. I think there's a Mg reference solution. The carbonate portion can test for Borate and Total Alkalinity. Calcium Carbonate =TA-Borate. The carbonate tests do not require the use of the cotton floss. There are no alkalinity reference solution.