Where is this place you bought it from? Im looking for another LFS in the area. Ohh never mind i see its "that fish place". Heh, i just bought a carpet anenome there last week and the guy told me, " your clowns wont go in this". I was like, "ohh no!", he said to me " you still want it" and i was like, yes ... 2 days later my clowns were in it lol. I knew all along the clowns would go in it, I just didnt feel like arguing. Ohh by the way, there is a LFS in York, called Tonys and there is one up in Danville, never been there though. I really wouldnt bother going to Tony's there EXTREMELY overpriced and I mean extremely. Like $75 for a "small" like 3 inch diameter, carpet. I think for a few months now, ive been buying most of my stuff from either this site, which is really good by the way, or just the internet in general. Only think that kicks me in the a$$ is the shipping, im not really into that $30 extra overnight shipping. Just gotta look on the net for good prices. Some, like this site, even ship some "live" items with free shipping. Take a look at the "You build it" section. Ohh yeah Malics is suppose to get saltwater in soon also. Plus there is a store in the camp hill mall but thats expensive too. Only bought one coral from that guy, was a green long tenacle plate for $40 but lasted me forever and a day.