I would shop aorund and find a good deal on a Coralife Super SKimmer 65 for your tank. I personally would not go with the seaclone. I am not knocking the seaclone, and have played around with one for awhile, and it was a constant battle to keep it working properly...I think if you were to take a poll on skimmers, the Seaclone would probably place in the "Is the seaclone actually a skimmer" class, right up there with the Skilter skimmers.......They work, not great, and always require adjusting and cleaning, and replacement of air stones, and even then their performance is mediocre when compared to a superskimmer. I know you can find a coralife super skimmer for the same price if not cheaper or within a few bucks one way or the other than the seaclone..........I paid $86.00 for mine brand new and its been great and has not been one source of annoyance. I owuld post the link to where I purchased mine at, as there are lots of variations in prices among dealers, but its not allowed in this forum, so if your interested email me........
OBTW there is a few quirks with the super skimmer, but its readily and permanently remidied during setup proceedures........NOt really an issue if you know about the issues first hand before starting setup. The instructions are wrong for the most part, and coralife is in the process of changing them to reflect the right way to set them up. My CSS 65 kicks skims butt!