SeaClone 100 Skimmer


My seaclone is pouring out thousands of micro bubbles!!! It won't go away and its been doing it for 5 0r 6 days since i got it. Its starting to fill my 30 up with them making it look cloudy but with bubbles! I stuck a piece of filter foam into the pour spout that helped kinda but still waaaay to many I NEED HELP!!!


New Member
Mine started doing that after a water change today. So I could use some help too. I know I have been reading that they are junk, but has been working great for a few months now, always have foam coming up into the cup.


Mine started doing that too after a water change today. So I could use some help too. I know I have herd alot of people say they are junk but mine has worked great for the past few months, always get alot of foam in the cup and stuff.


well i'm getting foam but it is turning to water immediatly (is that good, bad, or what) I just don't know what to do!!!


Foam in collection cup will turn to liquid, that is ok. To reduce bubbles going into tank just play with the adjustment. I close it all the way then open about 3/4 a turn. If your skimmer is new you may get bubbles in the tank for a few days.


I had mine at 3/4 turn and it worked great, till I did the water change today, maybe it will have to break in again cuz I did a 20% water change. The bubbles are not that bad to cloud the tank but I can see them now.


New Member
Take a 30 ounce plastic tumbler, drill a few holes into the bottom of it about the size of a pencil, fill it with filter media and set it underneath the skimmer return. Bubbles will disappear. The tumbler was purchased at Kmart for 89 cents.
Here are some pictures of our setup at


Originally Posted by kizkid
Take a 30 ounce plastic tumbler, drill a few holes into the bottom of it about the size of a pencil, fill it with filter media and set it underneath the skimmer return. Bubbles will disappear. The tumbler was purchased at Kmart for 89 cents.
Here are some pictures of our setup at
Assuming you have the skimmer in a sump this would be a good idea. Perhaps they have it hanging on the tank. I own a Seaclone 100 too and I get bubbles from time to time. Usually after a waterchange - they will go away but they are kind of annoying. Mine took about 1 week to break in when I purchased it
Good luck with the bubbles.


Active Member
Have you ever added stress coat or any other chemicals in your tank? Some of them form bubbles like crazy when given the oppurtunity.


Additives,water changes(sometimes if salinity is a little off), or adding frozen food makes mine spit bubbles but they eventually stop.If you are using Stress Coat, switch to Prime.


Yeah mine stoped today when I got up, guess it had to break in after the water change, working great again with foam going into the cup. So I would say Lionfish99 just wait it out and set the control to 3/4 a turn. Good luck.


Just be real careful when you go to clean/maintenance those sea clones. Mine is such a piece that if it is not set back perfectly it leaks everywhere. Have been using it for over two years and it has always produced plenty of skimmate.