Seaclone 100


Hey there..... Does anyone have any ideas on how you can increase the efficiency of a Seaclone 100? I have heard rumors that there are modifications that can be made.... anyone have any info.
Thanks in advance for your support :)


New Member
Iwould like to know this also <I too have a seaclone and I don't have any trouble with it skimming but the more you know/you know:thinking:


heres what u do take the skimmer off the tank and throw it in the trash or sell it to some other sucker cause that things sucks. One thing i've learned about from keeping fish is you get what u pay for.


Active Member
yes, i have one and it sucks. im going to get a REMORA URCHIN for my 80g all i need is my xmas bonus this week


Wow... a few intersting responses there. Actually nothing is wrong with the skimmer. I have heard that modifying them can make them noticiably better and I thought I would give it a try.


I just added the airstone and its made a huge difference im trying to find the happy medium between no skimate and soo much foam its shooting it out the water output. Also changing the crappy airvalve to a brass valve will greatly increase control. Good thread!


You never realize how bad the seaclone is until you see what happens with another skimmer. I made a DIY recirculating skimmer out of PVC for about $30 in parts, and used a MJ1200 (same as seaclone uses) for the recirculating pump.
I wanted to see what would happen so I left the seaclone on the tank and hooked up my DIY one. After about 1 day of both of them removing skimmate the seaclone stopped removing anything from the water. After 2 days the seaclone couldn't even make a bubble of foam in the tube. I left both running for 2 weeks. Every day the DIY pulled out 1/2 cup or so of dark skimmate and the seaclone could no longer pull out anything.
Even though my seaclone appeared like it was working alright before I added some competition to it, my test helps to show that the seaclone needs an already high level of organics to start to pull stuff out of the water. My DIY skimmer was able to lower the organics to a level where the seaclone was worthless and still pull out skimmate. My tank appeared healthier as well.