Seaclone 150 Breakin period


I just bought a seaclone 150 to replace my skilter on my 37G and i'm wondering what the breakin period is.


i owned two seaclone 100s in the past... i never even heard of a break in period for them. Did i miss something? :confused:


Ok let me reword this ,,,, how long till it quits releaseing bubbles into the tank.... also could people show pics of theres in action thanks


it usually takes about a week for it to break in, but be careful with the setting. have they changed the air line adapter where it is threaded or is it just a cap you turn? opened to far and you get bubbles everywhere, i replaced mine with the threaded style and it works much better.


Active Member
Mine took about a week to stop putting bubbles into the tank. Its really touchy though and sometimes for no reason it will act up. As soon as I have the money I'm gonna buy a new skimmer.


it is the fine thread screw type ...... i went out on a limb with this due to space.... as i have Kent Marine Naut's on my other tanks. Thanks for the info tho


I have a Seaclone 100 and it has been in operation for over a month.....STILL hasn't stopped with the bubbles! Is there something that doesn't? I would gladly purchase it and toss this one where it belongs! It is doing a great job with regards to what it's intended, but I've tried every possible turn and still get the bubbles. Will continue to look back to get advice on how to stop it. If you hear....please post and I will appreciate it also.


I have used a Seaclone 100. It did the bubble thing for 3-4 days. I found that if you adjust it so that the vortex is very well defined & tight it works really well. When I first set it up I had too much air. The Seaclone website also has some troubleshooting suggestions.


Active Member
I just installed a 150 on my new 125 and within an hour it was working like a champ. i opened the cap all of the way and closed it about 1 turm or just when the output flow was constant all the way across the lip if that makes sense. I have bubbles if I get much more water flow than that but when it is adjusted how it is now I get no bubbles and lots of dry foam.


I couldn't get my seaclone to stop producing bubbles when I first got so I just used it for water circulation for about a month. After that I turned the air on and it is working 10X better. Just let it break in for a couple of weeks. If you cannot stand the air bubbles in your tank like myself, just run it for a week or two and then adjust the air.
I have a 100 on my 55 and the day I bought it I hung it on and closed the valve all the way. I opened it up about 1.5 turns if I remember correctly and it works awesome. Never did have any bubbles. If it worked better I would be emptying the cup all the time.


Here is pic of mine. I run it all but full blast, but I have it in the sump so micro bubbles arent a problem. I actully think for the money seaclone is pretty good.