SeaClone modification


Active Member
I just had the inside tube in the collection cup cut down by about 1/2 inch by milling it down with a bore bit. I'm trying to allow more room for the bubbles I feel the cap is too close to the tube and not enough surge of bubbles to make it over the top - comfortably. We'll see what happens.


I hope you are able to let us know what happens. I would do that if it worked.
Can't wait to hear-


just curious did you take the ******** tube out to do this or drill it down in place. If you took it out how do you take these things apart without breaking them? If there is a way let me know.


Active Member
The cup is one piece. I placed it on it side and spun it onto a boring bit (milled it).... Actually a machinist did it. The bit only touched the center tube inside the cup.


Opps I though you were talking about the tube in the skimmer bubble chamber not the overflow cup. I should read these things a little closer.
Still looking for a way to take this darn thing apart though if anyone knows how let me know.


Active Member
I got my idea from another site - under sea clone modifications. One of them was the center tube for some reason. He explains how he did it. Its one of the reef web sites....