SeaClone Modifications 101


Active Member
Steeler asked me to put the mods for the seaclone on here.. I lost the old thread so i'll make a new one.. Here you go.
Im not sure how this thing got past the QA team but it works only half arse out of the box. I found it works best if its (IN) the sump allowing you the ability to better control the exact level of water... This allows for much less adjustments from you.
Here is the changes I made to the physical device to increase performance
First I cut a 1/2" off the top of the inside tube leading up to the collection cup. This allows foam to fall into the cup sooner without going all the way to the top.


Active Member
The 2nd cut i made was to the same tube but at the bottom of the skimmer. This allows for longer surface contact for the tornado formed by the air and waterflow from the pump.
I only made a 1/2" cut here.


Active Member
Next I used a small airpump (10 bucks) with an airstone at one end of the tubing.. I made a small hole in the collection cup lid ( DONT USE THE AIR HOLE ALREADY THERE)
Then i ran the stone all the way to the bottom of the center tube, at the base where the tornado forms.
This will greatly increase the foam produced in the skimmer.
You have to adjust the output of the pump because to much air will cause the collection cup to fill to fast and reduce the effectiveness of the skimmer. I adjust the output by using a wiretie on the air pump tubing.. I just tighten the trashbag tie, cutting off airflow to the stone.
The collection cup should fill with a soupy brown solution (sludge).. NOT clear or simply tainted water.


Active Member
I also put 2 sponges in the sump to create a (WALL) between the skimmer and the return water pump. This eliminates any micro bubbles and anything else from the overspill from the skimmer. You'll notice the waterfall drops the water right on top of the sponge wall.. This also baffled the noise produced by the waterfall..
And the last thing I changed.. That air valve to adjust airflow into the pump.. I made a hole in the top of the sponge wall and tucked this deep inside (ABOVE THE WATER LINE OF COURSE)... This is very noisey (sucking sounds), and you'll be amazed how quiet it will be after you hide that thing.


What did you use to cut the acrylic tubing since you can't pull the tube out for the collection cup? Also, in the skimmer itself did you cut down the smaller diameter tube or did you cut the larger diameter tube that you can pull out? Thanks.


Active Member

Originally posted by radge69
What did you use to cut the acrylic tubing since you can't pull the tube out for the collection cup? Also, in the skimmer itself did you cut down the smaller diameter tube or did you cut the larger diameter tube that you can pull out? Thanks.

I used a small jagged edge steak knife to make the cuts.. (slow sawing motion)...
The acrylic tubing i cut is actually inside the collection cup.
And the 2nd cut was the tube base of the device... It was not very easy to cut either.. Very weird angle.


I was wondering how old your Seaclone was before you modified it, and did it say "new and improved" on the box? I know they do now but I'm not exactly sure what was improved on.


Active Member

Originally posted by jc74
I was wondering how old your Seaclone was before you modified it, and did it say "new and improved" on the box? I know they do now but I'm not exactly sure what was improved on.

It was one of the new ones.. and I have no idea what they improved.. They worked on the wrong flaws.. lol..


Do you have any pics of the modified skimmer?If you do can I get a looksee?Did you ever modify any powerheads for a higher output?There's a cool link w/video on how and why to modify,I just dont know if I can give the link on this forum
So long-Pete


Originally Posted by RazorEQX
The 2nd cut i made was to the same tube but at the bottom of the skimmer. This allows for longer surface contact for the tornado formed by the air and waterflow from the pump.
I only made a 1/2" cut here.
would u by chance have any pics of this, or in better detail of how u gained access to the bottom of that tube


Active Member
I am not sure if the author of this thread will answer, he posted this 3 years ago. But maybe somone has pictures they can post.


New Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
I am not sure if the author of this thread will answer, he posted this 3 years ago. But maybe somone has pictures they can post.

Do you have a seaclone? if so did you modify yours?


New Member
I purchase a seaclone a month ago and made two modifications and it works great. I ran it without the mods and not so good.
1. changed the airflow valve to a higher quality which allows you make more precise adjustments to airflow.
2. you will laugh but I did what I saw on another post, which was to stop the air from ecaping under the cup. I read a few people made o-rings out of differnt material but I followed and example which you take a latex glove and cut in half where the fingers start and then stretch it over the bottom of the cup and put back in place. THIS MADE A HUGE DIFFERENCE. Now collecting a cup of nasty foam every other day with no water in collection cup.
Also a lot of posts say to cut the intake tube at the bottom of the main cylinder but the newer verions of the things have already shortened it.
Here is a link of what someone else did with there older version.
Hope this helps.


New Member
Underneath the collection cup air will "leak out" small amounts. This will keep the foam from rising to the top of the collection cup as it should. By sealing the base of the cup to the cylinder it sets in forces the air out through to the collection cup. I used a latex glove they are elastic. So I took a pair of scissors and cut the fingers of of it leaving just the part the fits on your wrist leading up to your hand. About 4 or 6 inches worth. Cut about an inch below the fingers. I took this part and streched it around the bottom of the collection cup and placed in back into the skimmer cylinder and it is sealed. Don't even notice it. Works like a charm now. Hope this helps. I can post pictures tomorrow if you like.


Active Member
no, thats makes sense now.
But on my sea clones they all fit air tight with o rings. So no need for the mod.
Thanks for the explanation


New Member
I think what you are seeing is the black plastic ring. That will not make it air tight. If you look inside it will have a long plastic cylinder, at the top of that cylinder there is a gap. Right where the water flows out and the foam heads into the collection cup that portion needs to be air tight. That plastic piece will not hot keep the air from escaping.