seaclone mods?


where can I find the thread on seaclone mods. I know, they suck, but its all I have sooo I want to make it work the best I can.


Active Member
I dont know that I've seen any seaclone mods on here. But you can mod it to where it skims pretty well, for the price of it anyways.
Take a bioball, cut one side if the pins off so as you have a flat back on it. Then trim the other sides pins down to the same length as the shortest pins on it. Pull out the impeller and cut a hole out on the bio ball big enough to slip around the magnet on the impeller. Then slide the bioball up around the impellar blades. You know have the bioball mode.
Take the skimmer body and remove the rubber ring gasket, then pull out the inner tube. The small tube in the middle can be cut down to increase the contact time. Use a dremmel with the flex shaft to reach down in there and cut it down to about2 to 3 inches tall.
Inside the collection cup, cut the riser tube in it down about 1/2in to 1 in. (this is how much to cut off, not how long to leave it.) This will allow the foam to leave the riser faster and skim wetter.
Replace the airline adjustment valve with one wich will give you better control of the air. A brass gate valve works ok for this, Lowes has 'em, but I've found running it wide open works best, so just straight airline works without anything.
There are a couple other mods you can do to it but I dont really understand the pourpose of them. One is to cut The bottom of the collection cups tube that runs down into the skimmer body. The other is to use something like a rubberglove to seal the collection cup to the skimmer body, but I believe the ring equiped with it is suffecient for this.
Just a sidenote, if you need to quiten down the sucking sound of the airline. Run a piece of polytube down to a milkjug etc. and poke it into the conainer about halfway into it. The cut a hole in the top to let air in. It works great as a muffler.