Seaclone or Prism?


I have a 55 gallon aquarium that will be holding a flame angel, firefish, couple clowns, and three chromis and also some corals. It has an emperor and about 30-40 lbs of live rock (eventually hope to get more). I am just wondering which skimmer (Aquarium Systems Seaclone Protein Skimmer-100 or Red Sea Prizm Deluxe Hang On Skimmer) is easier to use and more effiecent. Anyone is welcome to reply, but I would really like to know from someone who owns atleast one of the skimmers. Thanks for the help.


Active Member
I ran a Sea Clone 100 on my 20 Nano and with a few modifications it worked in it did remove "some" skimmate...
The Sea Clone vs. Prism "choice" has been hashed out a bazillion times and it's pretty much as wash as to which is "worse"...:D
(You probably thought I was going to say "better"
Both of these skimmers work "OK" on smaller tanks but you may find them a bit "undersized" on a 55
Have you looked at the Aqua C Remora line...?
For a "few" dollars more you would be getting quite a bit more skimmer and capacity...


I have a Prizm. It's OK, just don't listen to the size rating it claims. I think mine claimed to be good up to 90 gallons! It pulls out lots of stuff, and my nitrogen cycle is a triple 0. My refugium has something to do with that as well, I'd guess. Without a large bioload, the Prizm should be fine but I'd recommend getting the remora if you can afford it.


really nether....spend a littl extra and go with a good skimmer.......if you have to choose i have had both and run and like the seaclone (well used to) on my 55