SeaClone Protein Skimmer - Thoughts?


Active Member
I posted this over in the Reef Tanks Forum, and then realized this is probably a better place.
I have heard a lot about various protein skimmers. However, for me, space is limited right now given my current set up. The SeaClone seems to be fairly compact, hanging on the back of the tank. I have a 28g ViaAqua, looking to upgrade over the next several months to approximately a 100g tank. The SeaClone is supposed to be good up to 100g.
What do you think?

david s

sorry but a seaclone 100 will not do a 100 gal. a prizm is rated for that too but no way even tho they are rated that high they are not. anything over 50 you are pushing it IMO


Active Member
That is definitely good to know. They advertised it as being able to handle up to 100g. I only have a 28g right now, but I am trying to get parts that I can use throughout an upgrade...but I guess $69.95 isn't that bad of an investment even if I can't use it down the road...


Look in the trading & classified section for a used SeaClone. I know there is a guy selling a used one for around $55, if he hasn't sold it already.


everyone says get the Berlin. ive got a seaclone for my 55 gal and it seems ok.takes about 3 weeks to start brown foam formation but once it starts it keeps foaming until i do a water change.then it takes a while before brown foam starts up. and everyone seems to forget that that berlin skimmer is like 300 happy with the seaclone and emporor 400 filter.;)


I had a sea clone--because of space issues---worked for about a year--then wasn't cutting it any longer. IMO I would put your money into something beefer. I have a cpr bak pak now--really like it. just my 2 cents