SeaClone Protein Skimmer


New Member
Is this a good skimmer? I have a 75 gallon tank which will eventually be a reef tank. Right now it's some sand with live rock, 4 fish (2 damsels and 2 clownfish) and a mushroom coral. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by amajda0519
Is this a good skimmer? I have a 75 gallon tank which will eventually be a reef tank. Right now it's some sand with live rock, 4 fish (2 damsels and 2 clownfish) and a mushroom coral. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Good is a relative term ~ they work; but not great. In my personal opinion, you would be much better off spending a little extra money for something better.


New Member
I agree. I've had a sea clone and it didn't do a very good job in my opinion.
When doing a reef tank one of the thing's you don't want to skimp on is a skimmer. Get one geared for a lot more than your water volume, including your sump/refugium. Your corals will thank you! Hope that helps.


Active Member
they are alright for smaller tanks <30g but I wouldn't use either on a 75g. I had mine working pretty well when I had it. collects dust now. pretty noisy too.


Active Member
Octopus needle wheel skimmers if you have a sump. cheap and effective. If you have a taller budget there are tons of options. everybody is going to say AquaC remora (pro for your size tank) for hang on back but I dont care for ANY hang on back skimmers. I like the turboflotor multi but its really bulky in hang on side (yes side too big for back) use.


Originally Posted by amajda0519
What would you guys suggest?
asm g-2..... ati bubble master 200 (lotta $, but worth it)......aqua c ev series.... deltec.... all of which will cost ya. if you dont have the $$ now, save up a little and get a good one, you'll thank yourself later and they'll last a looooong time before replacement


New Member
Which of these would be the best? Berlin Turbo (up to 250 gal), CoralLife Super Skimmer (up to 125-220 gal), Prizm Pro Deluxe (up to 300 gal) or Turboflotor 1000 Multi (up to 250 gal). Thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by amajda0519
Which of these would be the best? Berlin Turbo (up to 250 gal), CoralLife Super Skimmer (up to 125-220 gal), Prizm Pro Deluxe (up to 300 gal) or Turboflotor 1000 Multi (up to 250 gal). Thanks!
turboflotor multi by far BUT bulky looking (I call it a hang on side. coralife too for that matter. if your tank is up close to the wall forget about it). The Berlin skimmers have recently been updated with needle wheel pumps and who knows what else so I dont know if many will have experience with them. they claim 50% better than before. Coralifes are alright in the sump and at original pricing but with current pricing and the frequency of the air port getting clogged (I bored mine out with a dremel bit so it rarely happens now) which causes overflowing I would never suggest anybody use it out of sump. too big and bulky for HOB too) Prizm Pro deluxe is junk, I'd take the seaclone over it. I would honestly just get the remora pro. works well enough (not as well as the turboflotor or coralife and probably not as well as the improved berlin turbo but well enough) but its not an eye sore like the rest and easiest to set up and work with. a little pricey but not that much more than what your looking at.
IMO, don't waste your money on a coralife. FInd my post vacation disaster. I will give you the skinny. After 5 months with a brand new skimmer and 6 days of vacation, I found my house flooded because this skimmer went nuts and syphoned my 125g. It ruined carpet and ceiling. This happened on the 17th of June and I am still running fans trying to dry out my carpets. The companys insurance company is handling the claim. The tech guy for coralife admitted that pretty much anything can cause it to go nuts and syphon the tank which includes a pets hair getting caught in the air hole. He said it was not uncommon for the impreller to break at 8 months of age and also cause it to syphon. So when it doesn't work right it overflows in your house.
I had huge algae issues and high nitrates. I pulled that thing out of my tank and my tank is by far healthier without it. Algae gone and nitrates down. Google it and you will find other peoples discussions about the skimmers just going nuts and spilling water all over the house.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pjlovesbaskets
IMO, don't waste your money on a coralife. FInd my post vacation disaster. I will give you the skinny. After 5 months with a brand new skimmer and 6 days of vacation, I found my house flooded because this skimmer went nuts and syphoned my 125g. It ruined carpet and ceiling. This happened on the 17th of June and I am still running fans trying to dry out my carpets. The companys insurance company is handling the claim. The tech guy for coralife admitted that pretty much anything can cause it to go nuts and syphon the tank which includes a pets hair getting caught in the air hole. He said it was not uncommon for the impreller to break at 8 months of age and also cause it to syphon. So when it doesn't work right it overflows in your house.
I had huge algae issues and high nitrates. I pulled that thing out of my tank and my tank is by far healthier without it. Algae gone and nitrates down. Google it and you will find other peoples discussions about the skimmers just going nuts and spilling water all over the house.
syphoned how much water? the output hose has a anti siphon hole on top to prevent back syphoning and the pump can only pump out how deep it is in the tank which should ideally only be a few inches under the waterline. while thats still several gallons of water shouldn't have drained more than that (still sucks regardless). if you clog the airport in ANY air aspirating skimmer (salt, a hair ect) its going to overflow which is why HOB skimmers are very unpopular on large tanks. The coralife is more prone to clogging but this will happen with the turboflotor or any skimmer that accumulates salt or gets a hair or something caught in the airport. I bored the plastic port out on the strainer which virtually eliminated it from getting clogged but the coralife is still so sensitive to adjustments its just best for use in sump. works fine, your nitrates and algae improvement had nothing to do with removal of it. even a skimmer not skimmng aerates the water and nothing more. sponge in the bubble difuser could have accumulated detritus (but I've never used that being in sump) or could be the manditory large water change it caused.