Seaclone protien skimmer


sometimes it will collect a decent amount of foam and other times, like now, it will barely collect anything. any reason y this may happen


I would recommend turning the skimmer on with the airline valve closed. After a minute of running without air, turn the air valve on quickly so that air shoots into the PH.
The problem with seaclones are that they don't have any fine tuning with the air valve. It usually takes 24 - 48 hours to start skimming good after the previous directions, then dies off within a couple weeks.
They are not the best skimmers, and if I didn't get mine for $50 I would have gotten a much higher quality skimmer.


There are a number of mods that can improve their performance if you are willing to tinker. The easiest is simply getting a good quality air valve rather than using the one that comes with the venturi setup.

scopus tang

Active Member
Check the air tube where it connects to the sponge. It will often become clogged with a calcium buildup and needs to be cleaned out (I use a straightened paper clip and hot water), in order to skim correctly


thanks 4 the input. how would i go about making/getting a better air valve. and thanks i'll check the tube later 2day


You can do a google search for mods on these things.
I found a few when I used one... I think I had to cut down the tube in the center of the skimmer (they say you can remove the inside tube and trim down the height on it but its not that easy to get out)I also remember trimming down the inside of the collection cup plus I think there was a mod for the maxi-jets impeller as well.
Do a good search for mods for it and I am sure you can find step by step instructions with pics. I know I did.


Active Member
You can do all the mods to it and it will make an improvement in the skimmer.
However, it's still a pretty bad skimmer.
Granted any is better than none.
I did all the mods to mine it is now in the closet
...waiting to be chopped up to make something else.
It is really just an expensive piece of acrylic tubing


Active Member
I used one for about 2 years then got PO at it when it quit working for the 10th time. I had my Goverment econmic booster package check and got a Red Sea Pro and I love that thing. Of course if I had 400 I woiuld have gotted the Octopus model for my tank but I did not so I got what I could and this is a 400% improvment.


i think i might just get a remora or something like that cus nothing im doing is working. i'll have 2 wait at least 2 weeks 2 save up cus i just spent a decent amount on lighting. will my corals be fine if i dont have an effective skimmer 4 like a month? i have a colt coral, leather toadstool, greenstar polyp, and yellow polyps


Active Member
I got a remora with the maxijet 1200 (same one thats on my seaclone) and after running it for 3 weeks in my 55gal reef tank, I had to pull it and put the seaclone back in. The remora never worked right, was very noisy, always making way too much watery skimmate, even when the cup was adjusted as far up as possible. I put the seaclone back in and it started working right away. IMO the Remora is a POS.
yeah, it's a high maintenance piece but if you clean the foam prefilter whenever it gets full of gunk, monitor the air bleed valve and keep it properly adjusted per directions, AND disassemble it once in awhile to thoroughly clean it, it should work for you. I have had mine for about 3 years and it has always produced a dark concentrated skimmate, as long as I maintain it.
As for a new air valve, you should be able to find a decent one at your LFS that is easier to adjust than the one that comes with the Seaclone.