seaclone skimmer help

I know I shouldn't have but I did before I did research.
I have tried running it with the air valve closed for 3 days and when I try to get it to create a "tornado" it fills my fish tank full of bubbles. It is a hang on type and is driving me nuts
If anyone has any suggestions on what to do besides buying a better one I would be most thankfull.


hi i have a 55g reef that just last week i added a bak pak 2r, for the last two years my seaclone 150 has done a good job in my does require constant adjusting ,,,,,what i did was close the valve all the way....then slowly opening it up, just slightly, you will hear the tornado sound kick in......just leave like this and it will do a good job of skimming, it will throw bubbles into your tank but just for a couple of hours then it will stop........


Active Member
go to reef central to the diy section and they have a couple of mods for the seaclone which actually do help. i had one and did a couple of the mods and they were fairly easy to do.


You Open The Valve All The Way And Take Out The Piece U Uns-cr-ewed Till It Stops Sucking Water The Valve Back In Slowly Till You Hear The Gurgling Noise And Stop As Soon As U Hear It And Just Let It Go Youll See Collection Soon...


I put on a better air flow regulator valve and mine has worked much better with no other adjustments...
Thank you all for your replies. I will try the mods if nothing else works. I only have a 30 gal tank so tis skimmer should do the job if I can get it to work.


Active Member
I have had my skimmer for about a year and find that it needs constant adjusting of the regulating air valve, which doesn't have a wide range. The skimmer works great and pulls a bunch of junk from my 55 gal tank. What I do is check the skimmer every day and if there's nothing in the cup, that means I have to adjust the air or clean the foam filter. Not a big deal to deal with and it's always good to take a look at your tank every day, even when it's mature and working well.