SeaClone skimmer leaks?

I have a question for you all....
Everytime I clean out the skimmer and remove all the built up algae and gunk, the bottom neck area the connects to the main tube leaks after putting back together and placing back into the tank. I feel so frustrated. Has anyone elese had this happen. I am at a loss on what to do to stop the water drips from dipping away tank water onto the carpet below. This happened one time before and I dried the o-ring and donnector really good. I tried this again with no luck. What could be going on? Everything looks in tact and not broken anywhere. I would appreciate any assistance.


I have it and the same thing happened to me. use teflon tape found in plumbing stores 1.00$ for it. wrap it around male conector before putting it back together.:) I glad im not the only one to hope this helps