Seaclone skimmer


Has any body tried running their seaclone without the foam filter? Seems like it might be easier to keep adjusted.
I ran one without the foam once, i didn't have any problems like that. it will just require more frequent cleaning. now, I have a seaclone question.....what do you think would happen if i put a red sea berlin turbo pump on one and put it in my sump???


Active Member
You can run them without the foam filter. The problem with that will be all the junk that will build up in the main tube of the skimmer requiring frequent cleanings.


Thanks for the input.It seems like I can get it to run right for two or three days then it needs adjusting or the filter needs to be cleaned.The water level in the tank seems to effect the performace also. I think I'll get a different brand for my new tank.
i never run mine with the foam,but i do clean it regularly.i usually have to empty the cup every day, so i just give it a fine tuning while im back running a limewood air stone in mine and it really gives it the extra punch!


Active Member
I have to clean the foam about once a week on mine.
Hey using the airstone in there as well is a fantastic idea. Its like having 2 skimmers in one.


I like the air stone idea too.Where did you run the air line? Threw the top on the cup? Sounds like I'd like to try it.I took the foam off to see if it helps make it easier to keep running.
i just drilled a hole right thru the center of the lid,it works great. even though there is an air tube running directly through the center riser tube, it doesn't affect the skimate from comeing up at all.


I use a airstone in mine also, drastic improvement in performance, I ran it straight down the inner tube all the way down in to the vortex mixing chamber.