

yeah..i just started this SW hobby and nobody told me it would cost a lot of money! N e way im jus wondering if there is any difference between seaclone 100 and seclone 150. my brother has a seclone 100 on his 10g reef n its takin out a lot of stuff. i had a berlin airlift 60 on my 55g which just wasnt cutting it so im planin on buyin a seaclone but dont kno which size. is there even a difference??!


Active Member
Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
yeah..i just started this SW hobby and nobody told me it would cost a lot of money! N e way im jus wondering if there is any difference between seaclone 100 and seclone 150. my brother has a seclone 100 on his 10g reef n its takin out a lot of stuff. i had a berlin airlift 60 on my 55g which just wasnt cutting it so im planin on buyin a seaclone but dont kno which size. is there even a difference??!
Seaclone 100 will work for up to 100 gallon aquariums and a Seaclone 150 will work for tanks up to 150 gallons.
A lot of people don't like Seaclones, but I seem to have pretty good luck with two that I have on two of four tanks I have.
You will have to tweak them as adjusting is sometimes difficult to do for some people. Once I set mine, I seldom have to adjust them.
You can never skim water enough as far as I'm concerned so if you are going to buy a skimmer, get the one that is a step up from the tank you have.
Denise M.


Active Member
IMO, the Seaclone is one of the worst skimmers on the market. I'd spend more and buy a quality piece of equipment such as an Aqau-C Remora or Urchin. A skimmer is a very important piece of equipment and isn't an area you want to buy a shoddy piece of junk like a Seaclone.


Active Member
I have a seaclone skimmer and it works fine. Alot of folks think they are junk, but that is their opinion. I like mine just fine. My cup is always filling up. I also added an airstone just to get more bubbles. (I read that somewhere) and it makes it work even better. JMO


Active Member
Originally Posted by milomlo
I have a seaclone skimmer and it works fine. Alot of folks think they are junk, but that is their opinion. I like mine just fine. My cup is always filling up. I also added an airstone just to get more bubbles. (I read that somewhere) and it makes it work even better. JMO
Where are you adding an airstone in a seaclone?? :notsure:
Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Merredeth
Where are you adding an airstone in a seaclone?? :notsure:
Denise M.

Through the top :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by milomlo
Through the top :joy:
Color me really stupid now but where on/in the top? How?? Can you elaborate?
Maybe you should explain this modification to ones who use the Seaclones and this person who just asked about Seaclones.
Denise M.


Active Member
As I stated everyone has their own opinions about these skimmers. I like mine fine.
I ran across a website talking about it and thought hmmm let me see. I actually added the airstone to my CPR Bak Pak first and it worked great. Made lots more bubbles without having to fiddle w/ the valve all the time. (as we all know we have to do periodically).
When I set up my 100 gallon I put an airstone in my seaclone to see how well it would work. Works even better than without it. It worked fine before but works even better now. IMHO if you add an airstone to ANY skimmer it will make it work that much better.

How did I do it?? Well put the airline tubing through the hole in the top all the way through the bottom of the skimmer cup, attach the airstone to the tube. Lower tube into skimmer.
Nevertheless, this is my opinion. I am not saying they are the best skimmers out there cause I don't know. This person asked for opinions on them. My opinion is they work great.


Seaclones are horrible. If you want a good cheap skimmer for around the same price then you should really look into the coralife super skimmers. These little skimmers sure do pull alot and it's good skimmate too.


Active Member
I could see if this guy had already bought one and you were giving him advice on how to modify it. I just don't see why anyone would recommend or encourage a fellow hobbiest to buy a piece of crap Seaclone when there are so many qaulity products on the market...


Active Member
Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
yeah..i just started this SW hobby and nobody told me it would cost a lot of money! N e way im jus wondering if there is any difference between seaclone 100 and seclone 150. my brother has a seclone 100 on his 10g reef n its takin out a lot of stuff. i had a berlin airlift 60 on my 55g which just wasnt cutting it so im planin on buyin a seaclone but dont kno which size. is there even a difference??!
Yes there is a difference .............. The 150 is a bigger piece of crap than the 100....this is from experience.
I have to agree on staying away from the seaclones. I had one and thought it worked great though I had to tweak way too often due to salt creep or whatever getting in the airline tubing. Then I bought one of the aquac remora pro's with the mag three and could not believe how much more it pulled out and much thicker as well. I would definitely say don't buy cheap the first time trying to save a dime. I would rather you run with out one for another month and save up a little more $$$ until you can buy quality the first time. It will save you money in the long run.


Damn, i never thought aquariums cost this much money and time. ahaha might as well buy a comercial skimmer like at my lfs that cost him about 3 grand . you kno those 4 feet tall ones.
alright so from all ur post i see that seaclones "do work" but there are better choices out there. so what type of hang on skimmer would you recomend for this kind of bio load
1 lrg blu tang
1 sml blu tang
1 lrg yellow tang
1 sml yellow tang
2 lawn mower blennies
1 fox face
2 blu fin damsels
1 royal gramma
1 sml tomato clown
1 lrg tomato clown
1 striped catfish
18 hermit crabs
12 cone snails
2 bubble tip anemones been in thre for 2 months. still alive!
30-40 lbs live rock
in a 55 tank
Other equipment:
Fluval fx5 with bio max, seachem purigen and denitrate
Resun uv sterilzer 9watt powerd by a rio 1700.
rio 50 for circulation
standard 2 x25 watt floursent one using coral sun.
i cant have a sump " due to space" for those nice skimmers so i am forced to have a hang on. my tank is in the shape of a U where it is visble on both sides.
yea i kno it toooooooooo crowded and is which is why im going to get another tank soon.
pls dont suggest css. i kno it is great but its apperance is just to bulky and distracting to my tanks beauty since it is double sided.


Originally Posted by Oceanists
Aqua C Remora , if you dont have a sump .... it is your best bet , its CPR
the sump? is it the same as pump? :notsure: is it just a terminology? and the aqua C remora, how much do they usu cost?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I could see if this guy had already bought one and you were giving him advice on how to modify it. I just don't see why anyone would recommend or encourage a fellow hobbiest to buy a piece of crap Seaclone when there are so many qaulity products on the market...
I did not encourge him to buy anything. I even said that I'm sure there are better skimmers out there, but I don't have experiance with them. I simply gave my opinion.
Didn't mean to start an issue with it. Just gave my 2 cents - which apparently is all my opinion is worth on this particular topic

Have a good night all.


Active Member
alot of people dont like em but after the first few months of owning mine I have been able to work my mojo on em quite easily. I wouldn't recommend one on anything bigger than a 30 gallon but to me they work just as good as bakbaks and prizms and every other $79 skimmer. Coralife 65 and ASM mini are probably alot better but I dont have room for those in my little 10g sump and the coralifes all look bulky in HOB applications. AquaC's may be twice as good but so is the price. Bottom line is it works well enough to keep my 30 gallon @ <10ppm even with healthy 2xday of hefty feeding and that was before the fuge. makes no sense for me to upgrade. when I was feeding once every other day my nitrates were zero using it.
