Seagrass Wrasse?


I recently purchase one of these and can't find any info on it. Can anyone help me? This is a beautiful green wrasse. The place said it was a Emerald Wrasse but I found a pick of it and it doesn't match the Emerald Wrasse but found it in my spieces book and it was a Seagrass Wrasse. Anyone, help if possible......


Well I know I have a male now but what does he eat? will he survive in a tank enviroment? How hardy are they? What can I do to help him adapt to a tank since I read that he lives in lagoons on sandy flat with seagrass and algea. This is the only info that I can find.


Active Member
Another link on this fish.
I have no idea what they would eat, but I'd bet it's similar to other fairy wrasses.
I'd guess a mixture of meat and algae. I feed my X-mas wrasse (same genus) chopped krill, silverslides, brine, fresh chopped tuna, and supplement with selcon.
I also mix in some spirulina-mix OSI flake food with the meaty stuff.
Do make sure you keep your substrate clean...I'll bet this is the kind of wrasse that likes to bury itself. I'm also guessing it's of a medium hardiness. Think about throwing in some macro algae for munching!


Thanks for the help. I'll post a pick when ever I can find him. I put him in yesterday and saw him for about a hour half way sicking out of the sand and got up thi morning and haven't seen him since but my sand is in a bunch of mounds now.


Here's a pic of the wrasse. I need to add more sand for him. He can't find a place to hide in a 2 inch sand bed. He is about 4.5 inches long.


Active Member
He can't find a place to hide in a 2 inch sand bed
I wouldn't worry just yet...see if he snuggles under the rocks, that's what my Xmas wrasse does....
(But you should think about adding sand if he is nearly 5' long!)
Wow...what a fabulous looking fish!


I've got another bag sitting here. I think I'm going to add it tomorrow with a cup at a time. I think I'm going to just put it in the front to see if I can get him to sleep in the front. He hasn't eaten yet but it has only been 2 days and from what I can see he has a full bellie. I tried some marine cuisine today and everyone else liked it. I had the lfs order me some macro algeas, anyone in praticular that they prefer.


Another thing is this guy has some wickedass teeth. His bottom jaw looks like gopher teeth. He looks like he an be pretty aggressive but, I have seen my Passer Angel(also known as the King Angel) put him in his place already. So I know who the boss in the tank is.


Active Member
I'm mystified by this fish of much so I decided to break out my fairy wrasse book to see if yours appears...and sure enough, it does.
It's also called a "Schwartz's Wrasse", commonly found in Bali and near SAnta Cruz is a relatively small wrasse (max size about 12cm--so yours is probably full grown) , lives in shallow sea beds, or lagoons at a max of 2 meters...likes open sand beds, rather than reef structures...they WILL eat your inverts (most wrasses will) small crustaceans are probably toast.
Males are identified by their cheek patterns and unusual dorsal fin shape.
They also are said to do very well in home aquariums, and can live many years in captivity.
In larger aquariums, more than one member of the genus can be kept together.
Source: "Fairy and Rainbow Wrasses and Their Relatives" by Rudie H. Kuiter (good book on wrasses, but difficult to find--at least it used to be...:))
Have fun with that fish, he's a beauty!


bigred, your tank looks immaculate! how long has it been set up? tell us more about your tank (fowlr, reef, etc.) size, equipment? I love wrasses but havent tried one yet.. yours is really beautiful...


Actually he passed on today. He wasn't eating and I tried shrimp, squid, macroalgea, ect.... As for the tank, it crash and was redone. The tank it self has been set up for about 2 years but I redid it about a 2 weeks ago but kept all the live rock and put in new live sand. I had some kind of algea attatch that I couldn't get rid of it no matter what I did. Basically the tank is pretty fresh except for the rock and sand. I took some water from one of my other tanks to get it going faster. There is probably about 135 lbs of LR in a 112 gal. As for filters I have a Biomatrics protein skimmer/filter with 3 402 powerheads. 2" sand bed. Probably something esle that I can't think of.


I have a 1 and a half inch baby wrasse like that, that I bought while I was in Orlando. They called it a green coris wrasse.


Hey TheRed,
Where in Orlando did you get your Green Coris Wrasse?
I am in Orlando as well, and I am looking for one, but so far no luck yet......