seahorse help


New Member
I have a few?, does anyone have seahorses in a 12g jbj nano, I was wandering if I needed to decrease the pump output to decrease the current, or is it good like it is? I was thinking about putting a hose clamp on the hose or something if I had to. I'm going pick up the 2 seahorse's this weekend. The tank was set up 2 1/2 weeks ago with water and sand out of my 75g that i've had a year now. I've tested the water and everything looks like it's good to go. And i've got the temp to maintain 80 degrees, i've also got 14#'s of live rock. Do i need to do anything else?


some hitching posts..your pump should be fine...just make sure theres no powerheads and make sure that they cant get sucked up in the intake


New Member
ok thanks, everything is stock, i got plenty of hitching post and a sea fan, i'll post some picks when i get it up


These animals require highly specialized care especially if you are getting WC which most do not survive. Make sure no bubbles are exiting with the return from your pump. These can be swallowed and kill the horses,


New Member
i'm getting cb of course, the biggest thing i was wandering about was if the system was to much flow, anyone know for sure?


then you should be fine, as long as it is not all forced into one location. Try to make a dual output so that there is not a "current" but thats only a percaution, you will prob. be fine w/o doing anything


Active Member
What species???? horses require a tank that is two to three times as high as thier adult length.
All experts i have spoken with sugest that they be kept in nothing less then a 30 gal tank.
Please visit seahorse . org


I think its okay to keep them if the seahorse is still small,once it gets bigger, i think they need a tank that has a high height , usually those hex tanks are great for sea horses. The other thing is, with such a small tank, its hard to keep the paramaters in check, which can be bad for a seahorse. ANyway, good luck to you. Post some pictures. I dont think youshould have a problem, unless the sea horses arnt eating frozen foods.


Active Member
Thats good. Watch for hydrods. they will kill dwarfs. Take a look at seahorse dot org. they have a section on dwarfs