Seahorse help?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Dave96z34 http:///t/396738/seahorse-help#post_3536104
The poor guy has some form of pectoral fin rot going on tip of it turned white and starting to fall off. I'm warming up the water for a hospital tank right now what products work best? All try to get a picture of get a pic of it


Seahorses are prone to bacterial infections...go to a site called they will help you on what type of medicine will help....the COLDER the water, the slower the infection so don't heat up the water. drop it to 68 degrees.


Flower is right on...

Altho that almost looks like Lymphocystis, but in a SH, it's probably bacterial as opposed to viral. The LAST THING you want to do for bacterial infections is warm up the tank!!! In this case, you'll want to DROP it to about 86*F to arrest/slow the growth, and treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic such as Furan 2 in a hospital tank.

FWIW, raising the temp causes bacterial growth to accelerate, which you don't want.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by saxman http:///t/396738/seahorse-help/20#post_3536141
Flower is right on...

Altho that almost looks like Lymphocystis, but in a SH, it's probably bacterial as opposed to viral. The LAST THING you want to do for bacterial infections is warm up the tank!!! In this case, you'll want to DROP it to about 86*F to arrest/slow the growth, and treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic such as Furan 2 in a hospital tank.

FWIW, raising the temp causes bacterial growth to accelerate, which you don't want.
Also for what it's worth, I think saxman meant 68*f not 86*f. But I could be wrong on that.


New Member
Hospital tank is running at room temp like the rest of my tanks 66-68
I put the tank the hospital tank on instant ocean life guard until I could figure out a better treatment option. Still waiting for membership approval for
What concerns me is how effective life guard is being non-antibiotic broad-spectrum treatment. Says it treats bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic. Its better then nothing I guse.
All see if I can track down Furan 2 tomorrow. I would rather have a real antibiotic in the hospital tank. Probably the best option.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Dave96z34 http:///t/396738/seahorse-help/20#post_3536169
Hospital tank is running at room temp like the rest of my tanks 66-68
I put the tank the hospital tank on instant ocean life guard until I could figure out a better treatment option. Still waiting for membership approval for
What concerns me is how effective life guard is being non-antibiotic broad-spectrum treatment. Says it treats bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic. Its better then nothing I guse.
All see if I can track down Furan 2 tomorrow. I would rather have a real antibiotic in the hospital tank. Probably the best option. sells the medicine


Actually, "the org" doesn't sell meds, Flower.

Furan 2 is a very commonly available med, however.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by saxman http:///t/396738/seahorse-help/20#post_3536248
Actually, "the org" doesn't sell meds, Flower.

Furan 2 is a very commonly available med, however.

I would have sworn that's where I got mine from, it's been a while and my mind isn't what it used to where can it be found? Mine is old...I should purchase it again to have an up to date med on hand. Most meds are only good for a year.


Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/396738/seahorse-help/20#post_3536250

I would have sworn that's where I got mine from, it's been a while and my mind isn't what it used to where can it be found? Mine is old...I should purchase it again to have an up to date med on hand. Most meds are only good for a year.
I bet it came from Dan, who is on the org a lot.


New Member
Were on day 4 on Furan-2 I cant tell if hes getting better or worse. It appears to be on the vary tip of the other pectoral fin (may be spreading) Going to keep going with the treatment. If its fungal I will need a different option?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Dave96z34 http:///t/396738/seahorse-help/20#post_3536392
Were on day 4 on Furan-2 I cant tell if hes getting better or worse. It appears to be on the vary tip of the other pectoral fin (may be spreading) Going to keep going with the treatment. If its fungal I will need a different option?


Did you contact


New Member is irritating the crap out of me. Last week I registered on there site went to my email and activated my account. Got this massage /
(Thank you dave96z34. Your registration has been successful. The administrator wishes to preview all new registered accounts before posting permissions are granted. The administrator has been notified of your registration.*)

Well I was waiting for approval I can't post and all the threads say to refer to the the data base I cant access. Well this is what you get well waiting for approval from a ghost admin trying to access the database.
(Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available.)
I am logged in.....

Well the admins a ghost and my approve timed out my account was deleted.... I had to re-register again.....


There isn't a "ghost admin" on the org...however, there's only one person who reviews the new accounts. The site has been hacked in the past, and now the admin is being very careful with new members. It's a great site, and the depth of info there on SH is "the" best and most up-to-date, IMHO.

If you have any more trouble, LMK, and I'll ping the guy who reviews the accounts...I'm a gobal mod there, but not an admin.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Dave96z34 http:///t/396738/seahorse-help/20#post_3536546
I got approved today thankfully.

Boy...I can see why it's best to find sites like before a problem rears it's ugly head, a day or two would feel like 10 when the life of your pet is hanging in the balance....So how is your horse doing today, now that you can finally get some real help?

I agree with Saxman...that site is a seahorse lifeline...the best place to go for help when there is a problem.


New Member
He seems to be doing better it appears to have stopped advancing after the furan-2. Watching it like a hawk to see what its going to do,


New Member
Sadly he got worse lost the hole fin and half the other fin. He couldn't hold on to any thing was just to week and fell off. I put him in the display so his good buddy the flat fish could say good bye. Spent the after noon laying on his friend. I put him down last night. He was suffering for to long. He went peaceful with out pain. I miss the little guy. Always was happy greeted me when I came home or open the lid. Always hanging with his buddy..


Well-Known Member
Dude, I'm sorry to hear that.
It was a gallant attempt though. I'm sure you did everything you could for the little guy.