this is my seahorse/reef tank its a work in progress i just got the 96wt quad pc light im looking into getting a lot more gorgonians, plants and corals for my seahorse and of course a few more seahorses
if you get them tank raised they are pretty hardy and will readily accept mysis and brine shrimp if tank conditions are good. nitrate=<20 they cant have any other fish exxcept maybe pipefish or gobies. They are definetly worth it and yes i play counterstrike
the feeding station is so they can hitch on to it and eat food that you put in it. it is not neccisary but they will use it if they are lazy which most are. but alot enjoy chasing and ambushing the floating mysis or brine and will only eat it if it is moving
go to, people breed them, and sell them there. There are a bunch of other sites, but ask them where to get your ponies from. Oceanriders is another great place. There is a wait list.
pipe fish or gobies are the only ones you can put in with them??????I have always loved them along with my kids and husband ..they have them in my pet store with a bunch of different fish the tank is store only ,you can't buy the ones in the larger tank but like i said for years they have had them in with lots of it that others attack them or ????
I still have a while to go before the tank is cycled enough. I know these guy are such slow eaters that most fish leave nothing for the seahorses to eat! And Seahorses have no defense against aggressional, territorial fish!
Keep this thread going Im real interested too!
I think they are so nice to look at i have a 35 empty so i'm thinking of starting it up for sea horses..i really like the yellow ones (not sure of the name).i started my 125 about 9 weeks ago and just thought they would be a perfect addition but i see now they aren't .so it looks like i need to start getting the other tank set up ...i'd love to hear more about them before i have the other tank ready so i learn alot first so anybody else have any "need to knows for us"
see you learn something new everyday on here.I didn't realize that.
the only thing i'm worried about is the feeding ,i have heard alot about the feeding is hard for sea horses is that true?
also is it trrue that there are very few fish that can go in with them? and if so is it due to feeding or aggressiveness?
that is a beautiful set up
and i have a good feeling things will work out with u. One thing i've noticed is u don't have a heater guard, sometimes ur seahorses will hitch onto that and can burn themselves, i never had one *shame shame* but i hid mine behind rocks.gud thing to have ;p but fantastic pictures and good job
Like your horses. Here is pic of one of our herds. This herd is h. Barbouri, wc. I coldn't find any cb at the time we bought these. They have a half shell to feed from. They are on feeding on frozen mysis shrimp and also live brine shrimp. We have really enjoyed them. We have had horses for two years.