Seahorse pics


Active Member
Picked up 2 sea horses last night. I actually feel sorry for them. They aren't fish - horses in a glass house. I know this sounds weird.


Active Member
Very interesting creatures. I am seriously thinking of returning them though. Tank size is one reason - they were bigger than I thought they'd be. (ordered through a LFS)...


Active Member
I did not know that about feeding many times a day. LFS said nothing about that. I'm feeding them live brine shrimp right now. If they are too much maintenance I'll for sure return them.


Active Member
Thats correct. Cool seahorses. I wish we could have some.
Our kids fell in love with some at an LFS. I told them "maybe"
(they know the rules about the tank ;) ) Sheree has some great info here and so does All of the info scared me off for awhile. If you have the time, I say go for it. They are cool creatures. We just have too crazy of a life right now, kids, school,jobs and all that comes with everyday life for us. Sheree even raises the food for her horses. I think it was she that said they can be difficult to feed when they are in a tank by themselves and a tank with non agressive fish.
Your pictures are great, I could watch them for hours. AND I think its great that the boys have the babies :D
Put up more pics when you can.

elvis a.

Nice seahorses! I really feel sorry for these creatures.. They are peaceful and require proper care, not that I'm saying you can't give it to them... However I visit my LFS every week, and how often do I see some kid scream to his dad that he/she wants one.. You don't even have to know what goes on from that point...
My LFS however has stopped selling seahorses. I had a talk with them and they said that too many people were complaining that they die. (duh) and that they are now illegal to sell.. Has anyone heard this? The explained that they are becoming less and less populated and so there is a ban on selling these ( outside of classified deals between hobbysists I suppose )
Beautiful shots, and beautiful seahorses at that!


Active Member
lovethesea - I know what you mean by having a busy life - 3 kids a dog and hamster, 3 aquariums and a wife!!! ha....
27 people coming over for thanksgiving tomorrow!!!
going to night school 2 nights a week until 10pm
and now 2 sea horses...
I feel sorry for them too actually - kinda weird... a littel horse under water... :)


A smaller tank is actually better for them. Much easier for them to find food. Besides if you had a bigger tank you would be tempted to put things in with them.
As to them becoming more and more rare you are very correct. Fortunately it isnt us thats causing most of the problem. The Asians are the biggest problem destroying 45 tons of sea horses each year for their herbal remedies. I personally dont see them having problems getting it up since most of the world population is centered there but they seem to think so. That equates to about 16 million individuals killed each year to be dried and ground up. We are not completely free of fault either. About 4 million specimens are collected gobally for the aquarium trade, but thankfully more and more of the horses purchased are becoming aquacultured. Lets not get into the Asians hunting of sharks which has driven them to the brink of extinction, just for sharkfin soup, chop off the fins and toss the still living body back into the ocean.


New Member
Due to CITES, it is illegal to collect WC specimens and import them. At least it will be in a few months. You will still be able to purchase seahorse, just cb-supposedly CITES will not apply to CB at all. You don't have to feed more then 2 times a day. I feed before work, when I get home. Trained mine to frozen, but occasionally give them live treats. The tanks size should be ok as long as it is bigger then a 20 XH. Thats pretty much the minimum requirement. They are quite interesting, always something new to see. Specially when they give birth, thats a whole new addiction. I've got a whole ton of fry tanks, greenwater tanks, rot tanks. It makes it harder, I've got 4 erectus and 4 of another species I haven't identified. They give birth every 2 weeks. :eek:
PS: If those are pics of each one, you've got two very nice looking males. Try adding some color to the tank if you keep them, mine go through color changes depending on mood/whenever they feel like it. I've got some artificial finger corals and they love them. If you go to, rocco has a very nice tank setup. Check in the pics section, the title is "I got mdl barbs", at least thats what I think it is. wow, long ps...


Active Member
what does a female seahorse look like?
I purchased a 15 h tank tonight - can use same lights - just a taller tank.... we'll transfer over friday...


New Member
Not an expert at all, but I have 2 H.Barbouri's in a 20H, and so far its been a nice addition and not a difficult task to maintain at all.
The key is to select the right seahorses in the begining. Definately buy captive bred instead of wild. That will be a good start.
CB horses will be eating frozen mysis shrimps. Then train them to eat from a feeding tray. It took me 1 day to get my 2 horses to eat from a feeding tray I made out of oyster shell.
Now I just dump 5-6 mysis shrimps in the tray and the horses will know there is food and hitch to the tray and start eating.


hi doodle, nice shots of your seahorses.
I m not a seahorse expert (i used to have three H.Comes and now i have a banded pipefish) but if yours arent dwars then brine shrimp is too small for them also brine shrimp doesnt have enough nutrient for any seahorses.
Does yours take frozen mysis? If not you can also try live mysis.
Good Luck


Originally posted by commie
......and the horses will know there is food and "hitch" to the tray and start eating. [/B]

tee hee "hitch" that was good:)


Active Member
CB horses will be eating frozen mysis shrimps. Then train them to eat from a feeding tray. It took me 1 day to get my 2 horses to eat from a feeding tray I made out of oyster shell.
I'll try this - thanks...