From Scuba:
You can buy some inexpensive chillers for smaller systems if needed. it all depends on the devotion to keeping seahorses and available funds for each individual. Bottom line is some seahorses can be kept in 10 gallon aquairums (the original question) and are readliy available on the market. many are alredy eating frozen foods. I have provided the site where the poster can research and determine if he/she is prepared to undertake seahorses based on the requirements.
Dwarves and Capensis are not recomended for beginners. Would you willingly recommend a beginner saltwater aquariast to keep a Henious butterfly as their first fish? How about a Moorish Idol? Or a shark? Or a Seadragon?
The bottomline, I said it could be done with dwarves or one other species. I stated I wouldn't recommend it for a beginner. If Cartman had experience keeping seahorses before, then I would give more information. But those species aren't for beginners. If you have never kept seahorses before, you don't realize they have very different needs and problems than fish. To jump into one of the more difficult species just because you have a ten gallon tank laying around is asking for bad results without experiencing the easier species first.
Your original response, while right, did not give Cartman the required information he would need nor where to get the information. You just told him yes it could be done and that they actually prefer a smaller tank. This is misleading. Had I not challenged you Cartman may have just run out and grabbed H. Erectus and placed them in his tank. Which wouldn't work. He stated he had the tank just laying around and he wants to put something in it. This indicates to me he doesn't really wish to spend the money on the elaborate set up and equipment that would be required to house such difficult species.
And before I forgtet, there is only one site on the net right now that sells Capensis seahorses. And they are back ordered a lot. So Cartman is back to dwarf seahorses only for the most part.
Dragunus, I disagree with the waste portion........It seems to me they would have more as they don't have a stomach to digest a lot of what they eat......equally more stuff coming out the other end. I could be wrong though.