seahorse tank?????


ok i have a 30 gallon long sea horse tank how many seahorses can you put in there.
all so can i put feather dusters in there since i can't put any in the show tank cause of my cowfish.
and would pipfish be good in that tank since most get 8 inches will they have enuff room.


Active Member
It depends on what kind of seahorse you want. You can put feather dusters in there, the seahorses like them. And for pipe fish you could probably have one. But check out this website <a href="" target="_blank"></a> You can find all the information there.


Active Member
They like to hang on them and wrap their tails around them. It gives them something to hang onto since they can blow away easy in the current.


New Member
the tank would have to be atleast 26 dgrees other wise they will die depending on what horses you get. Yellow reef horse or (agathus horsellius) need warm temperatures but thats like most tanks. Try not to have to many fish tho otherwise they will feel uncomfotable and die.