seahorse vs coral


Active Member
I wonder :thinking: if the camoflage is intended as a defense, do our happy, secure (spoiled) aquarium SH just not do it? Maybe stress or fear (no offense intended, by any stretch!) elevates a chemical "switch" that causes the changes?
Are WC more apt to do it than CB?
Just thinking outloud..


Active Member
Originally Posted by PonieGirl
I wonder :thinking: if the camoflage is intended as a defense, do our happy, secure (spoiled) aquarium SH just not do it? Maybe stress or fear (no offense intended, by any stretch!) elevates a chemical "switch" that causes the changes?
Are WC more apt to do it than CB?
Just thinking outloud..

Good questions...


Nothing bothers mine and he changed. He is spoiled other than the sailfin trying to eat his food. Nothing bothers him.


All 5 are captive bred, they live with two clowns which bother nothing, pretty much a stress free environment.
Here is the tank

Here is a pair

The changes

The two small ones in the last picture, change right along with the big ones.......


Active Member
WOW, Kaye that is beautiful!
You do have a wide range of colors to move's interesting, isn't it?
I have one female left, have had her for almost 4 years and have not seen her change from dark brown. My tank is pretty drab in comparison, color-wise.
Thank you for the insight.


Thank you, it is interesting, I just have no idea why some change and others do not. All of mine change at different times, maybe I was lucky and got one that did change and the others followed or something along that line.