

I'm thinking about buying a md seahorse, what are the must have's in my tank? Like is a 20 gallon to small?


I know seahorses are VERY fragile. The must have like perfect water conditions and in most cases be kept by themselves. They are not reccomended for new hobbiests either.
sorry to get you down, just want to save you money and hassle.


Active Member
no strong powerheads, no fish with them, but they need something for them to grab onto with there tails.....other than that filter, skimmer, heater, and light
not for beginners, they need to be feed multiple timea a day live food small enough for them eat


The CB seahorses that are currently available are not only hardy, but are used to eating frozen mysis, brine, etc. I have several H.Reidi pairs from ORA that are fed twice a day, but some keepers prefer 3 times a day.
They can be kept with some fish, inverts, etc. There are lists available on other seahorse specific websites.
A small pair could be kept quite happily in a 20 gal. but 30+ is better.
Don't be discouraged.
With some research, they are as easy to keep as clownfish.


Hi sorry about the other posts but seahorses are very stong creatures. It does best when kept as either a mated pair, or with a small group of its own kind in a species-only aquarium of 30 gallons or larger. The taller the aquarium, the better, at least 16 inches high is best, as good circulation is most important. It will get along well with small, shy fish such as gobies, ocellaris and percula clowns, and firefish. But aggressive, territorial fish, or fast-moving fish do not make good companions. So have fun. And always tank breed horses.:D


sorry guys zyrus is right, I got some information for a seahorese org. they sayed that you need to have a good cycled tank, doesn't HAVE to be perfect water. Most of them are very hardy, I think it was like 25 of 30 different horses are very hardy. The only thing is that they are very calm and dont like any aggressive fish or crayzy swimmers, No anenomes. And they need something to grab onto with their tail. Like one of thouse glass thermostats and some saltwater grass to hide in. You can even train them to eat out of your hand with no proplem. Hold a ghost shrimp with your thumb and pointing finger and stick your little finger out like some people drink coffee. The seahorse will hold onto your little fiinger wile it eats out of your hand. How cool is that?


As long as you buy CB, live food is not needed.
I have some CB that are eating dry food (pellets) of my own concoction.
As long as they are trained to a feeding station, they will eat a lot more than just mysis.
CB Seahorses are fast becoming a very easy choice for even beginning hobbyists. Large scale breeding and production has "domesticated" them a great deal.
With the WC seahorses in the past, the biggest hurdle was training them to accept frozen food. Now with the CB industry, more and more people are beginning to realize how easy keeping seahorses has become.
Unfortunately, they still have the stigma of being "delicate", "picky" or "fragile", because of the history WC's have of failing in the home tank.
What a change to the frozen food eating, disease and parasite free seahorses we have available today!
As I said in a previous post....with some research "easy to keep as clownfish".
Have you been to ?


I got me 2 black seahorses today, but I don't know much more of them. CB or WB. From were they are no clue. Any info about black seahorses?


I must jump in here and say that this is a very informative thread....I learned a lot. I love sea horses but was scared to try I am back to thinking about it again. some of you need to write a book, seriously, you know so much.........THANKS!!!:yes:


hey loopy, go ahead and try them out. They do better in a pair, mine are doing fine . I have a very crazy days I leave at 6 am and come home at 6 pm so i just put 4 ghost shripo in my tank in the morning and the horsies will find them later in the day, then at night i hand feed them. Seems to be working out great for them.


New Member
I have 2 SH. 1 is CB (Kuda) the other is WC(Redi). They BOTH eat ONLY Frozen PE Mysis enriched with Selcon. I have been keeping them for 8 months and had no problems. I have them in a 12gal Eclipse and they are quite happy. They are housed with 2 Peppermint shrimp and a Blue mandarin Goby(who also eats mysis shrimp). The goby has been in there for 8 months as well and is Very fat and happy. I feed once daily on the days that I work, on my days off I feed 2X. I personally like to turn the pump off while I am feeding them. I have LOTS of sand worms that come out and attach onto the mysis and move them around. I leave the pump off for 30 minutes. I have a hard coral in the tank, I am not quite sure what it is, it isn't an acorpora but branches like one, they hitch to that most times. It is also important to keep some kind of caulpera in the tank as the SH like to rub themselves on it.
This is just my setup, I have worked very ahrd at maintaining it and have had good liuck with everyone. BUT, I did LOTS of homework before hand. I think that is the key!
Just My .02
Amy L. Cone


my horsies are still doing fine, eating brine and ghost shrimp. Do they eat anything else? Kinda boring eating the same 2 things every day. I got them a coral today that looks like a tree branch without the leaves, it's purple, but i don't really know what it is , what it eats or anything. The horses like it, there hanging on it all day


:jumping: HAPPY DAY ! :jumping:
:happyfish Soon I will post one of my little pony :happyfish
Yours looks Happy:joy:


New Member
If I can add my 2 cents... I have had had a lot of experience with horses and they are my favorite. HOWEVER- be prepared to spend a lot of time, energy, and money on live food. Yes, some will take frozen mysis, but a lot won't. As much as I loved them, it got to be a pain running to the petstore every few days to buy ghost shrimp. Anyone who is seriously considering getting horses must check out
If you got those black ones at a fish store, they are most likely wild. If they were captive bred, they would let you know because then they would be able to charge more.
Good luck!


The "purple tree branch without leaves" sounds like a purple gorgonian... does it have orange-yellow polyps?