

great the pic is so small u cant even see anything.k. Because i have seahorses, there are no really big or aggressive fish in my tank. And I got them that red branch looking coral on the bottom right and the seaweed bottom right. I have a rock with 45 mushrooms on it top left and u can see my red seastar. under the branch coral is a rock blenny, can u see it? In the middle is my bubble anemone with it's gold striped maroon clown, territorioal but only around his beloved anemone. middle right is my bi color something? Territorioal but he is always behind the rocks so no problem there. And of course i had to get nemo. I have some more corals or mushrooms but don't really remember the names. Seahorses in the middle and top left, cant really see that one. Oh yeah 2 fether dusters and about 10 snails and 20 hermitt crabs. I also keep a extra 1 gallon tank with ghost shrimp, for the horses, so i dont have to run to the store every day.


Would a SH be alright with a Longhorned Cowfish? I know they get big, but they are slow swimmers and pretty passive.


I know that you say that your clownfish stick to their own spots, but I would keep a close eye on them. It would only take one of your seahorses drifting too close, and bye-bye horsey!


Very nice, glad you posted the pic. I'm impressed. Soon...hopefully, I will, too, have some horsies!!!!


I'm not really worried about my goldstiped maroon clownfish , if anything the anemone, thats what i'm affraid of, but u know thats one of the most popular things in saltwater the clown and it's anemone, thats what made me start with saltwater. I had a 10 gallon freshwater for a year, seen my buddys saltwater and went to the store the next day. I think that the seahorses know what can hurt them and so they stay away. kinda like a dog walking the street, he just knows to get out of the way of cars. Even if he never got hit. Thouse are the 2 things I allways wanted, and now i have them, works out great sofar. The black seahorses will also change theyre color, once they seddeled in to theyre home, They'll get yellowish. I was wondering why my big one looks like a lizzard. hehehe cool


New Member
I have had 2 portugise (brazilian) seahorses for over 2 years they are huge and happy. I buy 10 doz ghost shrimp per week and feed them the small ones and the larger ones i either give to my eels or marine betta or to my long nose halk fish. I am so happy i just bought 2 males and one is going to have babies soon. I have already set up the nursery and i am hatching brine eggs now.i need to get some plankton though anyone know where i can get some live stuff so i csn grow it?


New Member
i have pictures,but only learned how to put them in a unless you know how to get them out of my picture folder let me know if i can send pictures to your e-mail address. also have pictures of 2 eels, marine betta.


sure, anyone feel free to send me pix of your saltwater things, i always get pix from people that know me, They all love my tank and ask me to help them arrange their tank. I just always tell them to keep it as natural as possible. I only have 1 piece of deco in my tank and it fits. It's that pot on the left side. I also listen to other people and get some ideas from them. So any ideas what i could put in my tank? 20 gallon. Fish, inverts, coral? Let's hear it
Oh yeah my email is


New Member
sending you pictures now mr polo, hope you like not all my babies just the ones i have pictures of so far


hey adam& eve, very nice pix, thatx. How about a pic of your entire tank? Do you keep the eeles withyour seahorses?I just see that your from naples, I'm from west palm, any colorfull seahorses over there? It's not that far. 3 hours


New Member
i'm glad you liked the pictures.i have 5 tanks,slimmy and slick (eels) live with spot (marine betta). 4 seahorses now 1 is pregnant live with hippie (manderin goby) then i have nemo dory (clown & tang) that lives with pinnoco (long nose halk) and lucky (6 line wrass).i went to my favorite fish store and they had about 6 3inch or so different kinds of horses.there was one that i am thinking about going back and getting she was a coral color. i bought a black male that was preg last weekend so far he seems happy, other than the fact that i am hovering.if you wanted to go there just to check out the store. i can probably go anytime on a sunday they are open from 10-4.not sure how to get some film off my camera corder quite yet...i'll work on it....didn't you think spot was a cool marine betta. i've had him for 5 years now!!


Thanx you guy's and girls for all your positive feedback on my tank. It really means a lot to me. I worked very hard on it , i have no patience and had to restart twice. And now I want a bigger tank. Of course. hehehe my buddy has a 300 gallon built in his livingroom wall. Now that is a beauty. Maybe i'll get some pix of his tank too. Love your Marine betta by the way, 5 years and still beautifull.


not to rain on your parade.... is that a 20 gallon, with a perc, a maroon clown, a blenny, and another fish, cant remember what i saw in the picture.. .gobie? and 2 seahorses?
so you have 4 fish total, 2 of which are clowns that shouldnt go together and 2 sea horses too? sounds like trouble...


I know that i have a few thing in my tank that don't really go together in one tank, specially in a small 20 gallon like mine. So I really dont recomend anyone else doing that. Because the 2 different clown fish a supposed to fight all the time. The maroon clown is very agressive around his bubble anemone specially aginst the other clown. but the other fish know that and stay away. same with the anemone, very dangerous for the seahorses if they go close to the tenticles, thats it no more horsy. But yet again, they know that and they stay away. You can see how all the fish and horses swim around it. I also have a mandrin in there wich could mess up my water just like a dead slug, but noone bothers the mandrin so everything is fine. For now at least. You can see all my pix on my page.
Lets see....
1 Mandrin, 1 blue gobie, 1 rock blennie, 1 peracula clown, 1 gold striped maroon clown, 1 bubble anemone, 2 seahorses, 1 bi color something? and lots more corals make for a very nice tank, i think. Works for me