Seahorses getting stuck in Wet-Dry filter.


Are any of you having trouble with your seahorse getting caught in the over flow of you wet dry filter? And if you are what are you doing to stop it?


New Member
I heard you should use an undergravel filter. I have a 1 gallon tank with 5 Adault and 24 baby Pygmy Seahorses and I only have an undergravel filter with an airstone going down a tube in the back of the tank. My male Seahorse just had his babies on 3/8/06 it was a really neat experience to see!! He had 27 babies and 24 babies are still alive.


Active Member
Sounds like you may have too much/strong flow thru the tank. You can put Gutter Guard in the overflow grooves to keep them from getting pulled thru. Its cheap and get it at HomeDepot in the roofing section.

darth tang

Active Member
what dogstar said. Or you can remove the wet dry and go with a bio wheel filter or two. That is what I did to help minimize my flow in the tank.


Active Member
If you use a Powerhead inside the tank then cover the intake with a foam filter. Toooooo many animals have been lost to these getting sucked in. An out take to a canister can be a problem tooooo.