

I have a question about Seahorses. What size aquarium do they need to live in? And do they require special lighting?


Active Member
they are fairly high maintence creatures. Neat though.
Do a search on Sheree and Killafins. Killafins has a great write up. Also go to seahorse DOT org. They have great info.
Best to know your way around SWF tanks first ... Just a little advice, if you are not clear on SWF tanks...If you know what your doing, read up on them and go for it ... It would be awesome.
Seahorses doesn't require a large tank. They don't move that much. However, it is easier to maintain a larger tank then it is a smaller one. They are difficult to keep, and can be picky eaters. Little to no fish should be kept with them in aquarium because the fish might aggrevate the seahorses.


New Member
I just went through the Seahorse process, and I failed.

My LFS set me up with a 5 gallon tank, small live rock, a branch that he could attach too, and live sand. Said not to add anything else for a couple of weeks. I could not get him to eat......Very very picky. nervous: I was trying brine shrimp. After a week the LFS said he could be lonely, so that is why he was not eating, so I bought another. Least to say neather would eat, and they both bit the dust.

So if you give it a try.... make your LFS feed the seahorse before you take it. So you know just what he is feeding him, and that he is eating.
Best of luck!!!:sleepy:


New Member
:nope: No.... It was the frozen. That is what my LFS said he had been feeding them. But lets just say. I have not seen anymore in his store since I bought the two he had......:thinking:


Active Member
When your buying swf learn to trust ur lfs first before going into their grasp. What type of seahorse did you buy? Seahorses are social animals and it is possible that is why it is not eating but the reality in life is the seahorse was not used to frozen foods and althought live brine is not best for it, it is better than nothing. Frozen Mysis always the best for seahorses except if they are dwarves in which baby live brine, (freshly hatched) is needed.