


Can anyone tell me if the seahorses sold on this site are captive bred or wild caught? I was kind of looking into buying one and have been studying them all today. Does anyone else on here have one? I'm trying to get some advice. Whats the easiest species to start out with? Thanks

darth tang

Active Member
Captive bred Reidi seahorse are easiest. That is what I started with. Also, is a great place for research.


Yea i discovered that site when I started reading up on them. I can't wait for when I can finally get one.


The guy at my LFS told me that "wild" horses can no longer be sold. I don't know if this is true for sure or not... Anyone else know??


it really depends what species of sea horse. some wild ones can be sold and some cannot although i firmly believ that under no circumstance should wild seahorses be captured and sold they have a hard enough time surviving without us coming along and taking them out of the ocean. A LFS owner has a mated pair of seahorses that recently became endangered and now he cannot sell them because of the new laws the only thing he could possibly do with them is basically buy them a plan ticket and deport them back to where they came from.


I think before you decide to go get a seahorse you need to really look into the place your getting it from to make sure they are really doing things right and not contributing to the problem.


Stressman, your LFS proprietor could be proactive about it and maybe even try and breed the fish. He could donate/legally sell them to a research institution or aquarium. Most U.S. law have "grandfather" clauses anyway, in this case allowing him to sell an asset he invested in before it was made illegal. It seems like he has, in fact, lots of options and rather than complain he should understand why the law was passed and set a good example for any young hobbyists who might come into his store by explaining what we're doing when we protect wild species...


This website has no live garuantee on horses. Oceanrider*com has horses with a very high approval rate. I have 5 erectus and they are totally cool I love them. They need to be fed twice a day though so keep that in mind when you get them and also a tall tank. Carrie


Alright awesome, I'll check out that site. What are you feeding them? live brine? I have a 55 gal. and from what I've read so far, it should be good for some.


Captive bred seahorses are trained to eat frozen mysis twice daily and also frozen brine for treats once in awhile. A 55 gallon would be good for most seahorses. I dont know about the reidi species though because they get to be the largest and the tall part of the tank is what is important, but you should be fine with the 55 just dont go way deep with the sandbed. I hand feed mine with a turkey baster because they are really lazy and kind of slow eaters, they like to watch it for a while then eat them. I will post pictures of mine when I get some help on resizing for this forum -doh!! Carrie


What do you do when you go out of town? Yea put some pics on here I'd like to see your set-up.