

I ve a nano w/ sea horses, its a 15gal, i ve 3 seahorses, and a local turkish blennies, i ve some corals, zoos and mushrooms, i feed them daphnia everyday and i bring some sea bugs which i catch from sea, i am also tring to train them to frozen, i wish i can


Since I originally posted the first post in this thread, I have read volumes and have come across all of what I have recently seen in here. Please remember, I posted this well over a year ago and people are just now responding to it. This is still good information for those who have not read up on seahorses yet though.
Killafins is right. You should find out the scientific name of a horse and determine its needs prior to purchasing it. The different breeds have different water temperature requirements and range in size. They do change colors so it is recommended to keep bright fake corals in your tank such as reds, yellows, and oranges if you want your horses to turn those colors.
Even though I have read a LOT about these wondrous little creatures, I am always interested in the opinions of others. And if these posts help even one person decide to get captive bred seahorses instead of buying wild caught ones still available at the fish stores, then we have all done our job. :D
P.S. As for my "precious red-leg hermits": my husband and I NEVER buy redleg hermits and haven't for over a year now. We only buy the blueleg ones. The red ones have proven to be very aggressive in our fish tanks so I wouldn't dream of putting one in with any horses..some may be able to make it work so don't beat me with success stories..I'd just rather be safe than sorry. I will rely mostly on snails and my own hand to clean my tank.


Ok..apparently I was wrong about the hermit husband says the blues are aggressive too but that's all we can ever get at our local fish store so that's why we have blue ones in our fish tanks. I could have sworn he told me the red ones were aggressive and not the blue ones but seems I am wrong. Crabs are pretty much aggressive accross the board. Probably best to avoid them if you can and use snails and good old "elbow grease" to clean your tank.


Active Member
lol, gemini, I feel retarded now... this post was posted a year ago??? :rolleyes: oh my....
Kim, I am just kidding about the pictures... I love that picture and love the pictures of all your fish. I didn't mean for any offense, I was just trying to josh ya a bit. I definetely don't want your pictures to go to a minimum cuz I love to see them over and over and over and over again.
Oh, gemini, ask your husband but I believe that the scarlets are the kindest (if you can call hermits that)... I don't think there half as bad as the next aggression level past them...
well, so tell us about ur tank gemini? What do you have? How is it working out???


Alas :( I am still with an empty hole in my wall. We are waiting on a friend to finish the wall so I can paint (you know how that goes - can't be too pushy when it's free labor - LOL). Then I will get the seahorse tank and the other 240 gallon tank set up. I will put two pairs of seahorses in my 37 gallon eclipse and a spotted mandarin with a few snails. In the 240 going in the wall, we plan to put a banded cat shark, a couple of tangs, and ???
As for my other tanks (this really is an addictive hobby as you'll see):
50 gal salt - 1 green mandarin, 1 watchman goby, 2 percula clowns, 1 algae blenny, a pistol shrimp, and several corals (several diff. mushrooms, several diff. polyps, an elegance, a toadstool, a finger leather, pulsing xenia, frogspawn, and a couple of algaes).
80 gal salt - 1 blue-green chromis, 1 yellow chromis (mean little sucker!), 1 twinspot hogfish, 1 6-line wrasse, 1 bluejaw trigger, 1 ghost ribbon eel, 3 mushroom rocks, 1 colt coral, 1 toadstool, and 1 polyp rock.
240 gal FO salt - 1 powder blue tang, 1 yellow tang, 1 bluejaw trigger, 1 maroon clown, 1 porcupine puffer, 1 velvet wrasse, 1 figi damsel, 1 coral beauty, 1 majestic angel, and 1 snowflake eel.
50 gal fresh - 6 angels & 1 pleco
We also have 2 large parrots, 2 boxers, 3 cats, and two snakes - it truly is a ZOO in here! :eek:


Yes, WOW it is! Especially today - it's cleaning day. I have two gigantic bird cages and two large perches to clean. Those birds make huge messes! I probably ought to clean the snake cages out too. They aren't nearly as messy though.
Did you check out my website? It's just photo albums on Webshots but I have pictures of all my zoo on there. There are also a couple of pics of the holes in my walls. You'll see the seahorse tank when you enter my front door to the right in the wall in the hallway - well, once I get everything up and running that is. I'm getting pretty antsy about it close - yet having to wait on free labor! Could be a while I'm afraid and I've already waited for over a year now to get my horses :( They will be REALLY special by the time I get them! I can barely contain myself :D