

seahorses are species only.
seahorses and pipefish. thats it.
peppermint shrimp,snails for clean up.
I wouldn`t put any other fish in there
because the seahorses will be outcompeted
for food. they are extremely slow eaters.


Active Member
Moderators, this is a pretty good example of why a seahorse specific board would be nice. This is buried, and the poster will probably not re-visit the possibilities. Sad.
Like seahorses, the board would be slow-moving and easy to follow.


you could go with some gobies(small), pipefish, filter feeding crabs. I would keep claws out of the tank though scarelet hermits wont touch the horses.Sponges make cool hitching posts for the horses aswell. One thing to be careful for with seahorses is to remove the babies imeidiatley. I was gone a few days and of the horses gave birth and the tank crashed from all the dead baby horses.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Yes, many fish can be housed with seahorses. However it would depend on what species of horse you get. Some horse species need lower temps or higher than the average fish does that is kept in an aquarium.
As for the babies, if fish are housed with the horse their won't be a dead horse baby issue, the fish will eat them.


Active Member
My experience in the subject of seahorse tankmates is just this:
Seahorses do have specific requirements for each different type of seahorse.
Research seahorses first, just as with any fish you want to keep. Know how to set your tank up, water flow, filtration, habitat, what foods. Pretty basic stuff to consider.

GOOGLE Seahorse ID and have a look. (I hope that's OK)
Plus, when you do your research you can go to a seahorse stock source and sound confident.
If you want your seahorses to thrive, be sure you know what kind of SH they are before you buy them (kuda, reidi, erectus, dwarf, pigmy).
Your tank should be set up with the specific SH species in mind.
Don't ever buy a SH that says "Black Seahorse $29.99" unless you can identify it and know if it is tropical, subtropical...captive bred or wild caught.
Next, ask other seahorse keepers experience on tankmates. Like Darthtang, says, the tankmate choices depend entirely on the SH that you choose.
The choices when you know what each fish needs are not vastly different with SH in the mix than with any other fish.