

Active Member
For tank size seahorses aren't that picky but it is better to get the tank deeper than longer. Seahorse tanks can range from a 15g to as big as you want it. But they IMO should be left to experienced aquarists, they need special care and a lot of your time and devotion. Research them a lot and learn a lot about them before purchasing, a good site that was already mentioned, is This site has a message board, info center and everything you need to know about keeping seahorses.
Seahorses should not ke kept with other fish. A lot of times the fish will pick on them and eat all the food before the seahorse witch is why a lot of them starve to death since seahorses are very slow eaters sometimes. The only fish I would put in with them are pipe fish, learn about them at the site. The horses need lots of plants and things to hang onto, feather dusters work quite well too. I wouldn't suggest putting too much current, if it is too high it may blow them around the tank and they are very delicate. They like to eat brine shrimp and coepods, mostly coepods so your tank should be established with many pods.
If you do decide to get them just remember that they need special care, good luck. :)


You can also find information at They have farm-raised seahorses..more expensive but at least you don't do damage to the dwindling population of the ocean if for some reason things don't go well. One day, I'll do a seahorse tank. I'm still trying to read as much as I can prior to setting up the tank though. As mentioned in an earlier post, the taller the tank the better and not a lot of current. They do need something to hang onto. Though they do eat copepods, Ocean Rider also offers the food they raise their horses on. Their site also gives reference to other sites that sell coral skeletons and such for them to hang onto. It can be pretty pricy and they are very delicate creatures so do your homework first. Good luck! :D