seahorsey freaks?


Active Member
hi there. there are a few people with horses here, but not many. I just set up my horse tank, but havent stocked it yet. what do ya want to talk about. I have part of my meds almost bought. Have a few more things to pick up before i get my ponies.


Active Member
because seahorses can get soo many diff illnesses, i want to have my meds on hand before i get them. I usually hang out at seahorse dot org for info on horses. There are a lot of people with a lot of experiance there. I am planning on 2 to 4 cb erectis for my 37 gal cube.


Nice. Smart preparation. Do you mind if I put you on my buddies list, you are going to have ponies just like me, and you know what you're doin. . . . . . .


Active Member
sure. i'm still learning, but feel i have learned a lot already. what kind of horses for you have?


Active Member
I agree with Teresa about having meds on hand first. I keep neo3, formalin, and methylene blue on hand at all times.


Active Member
I forgot to add, if you're going to keep any males you should also have stuff on hand to do an emergency pouch evacuation.


Active Member
They can be kind of susceptible to bacterial infections (including one called snout rot-dosen't that sound lovely?) so you should keep antibiotics on hand for that. Luckily I have had great luck with my seahorses and have never had to really research the bacterial things.
As far as the pouch evacuations go, I decided not to get males for that reason :scared:
so I'm not sure of exactly what you need. I think you need something called a cannula. I do know that one reason you may need to do a pouch evacuation is if the SH gets an air bubble trapped in it's pouch.
Not for me, I would freak out!


Originally Posted by alyssia
They can be kind of susceptible to bacterial infections (including one called snout rot-dosen't that sound lovely?) so you should keep antibiotics on hand for that. Luckily I have had great luck with my seahorses and have never had to really research the bacterial things.
As far as the pouch evacuations go, I decided not to get males for that reason :scared:
so I'm not sure of exactly what you need. I think you need something called a cannula. I do know that one reason you may need to do a pouch evacuation is if the SH gets an air bubble trapped in it's pouch.
Not for me, I would freak out!
lol yeah, females it is!


New Member
Hi! Good luck with your ponies!! I have 2 horses!! One named Doodle and the other is named Trigger. They are really a lot of fun to watch and very relaxing. Doodle started out yellow and is now black with white and gray bands. Trigger has always been black. I have formalin on hand for them. I still need to pick up some other meds.


Active Member
would you guys who already have seahorse tanks be able to post some pics. im thinking of starting one, and im just curious how you have them set up. thx :happyfish


Active Member
cool. so its basically a reef with no fish and the seahorses. i was thinking of like a 30 gallon long with a sand bottom a few pieces of LR and then macro algae for them to anchor on to.


Active Member
you would be better off with a 30 tall. the larger horses can get up to 7 to 8 inch and most recomend 3x that for tank. I cant wait to get mine in. I have more macro algea coming next week. I have a couple of small fish in there too. you can keep peacful gobies with horses.
Just be sure you have enough light for macros. some require at least pc lighting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
you would be better off with a 30 tall. the larger horses can get up to 7 to 8 inch and most recomend 3x that for tank. I cant wait to get mine in. I have more macro algea coming next week. I have a couple of small fish in there too. you can keep peacful gobies with horses.
Just be sure you have enough light for macros. some require at least pc lighting.

..and watch what kind of corals you put in. When the SH's hitch on them they can get stung.


Active Member
I may have missed it, but how old is your tank?
You might consider buying a copepod stock to get a head start. They are an important natural food.
The first photo is the tank they are housed in. I have been fortunate to have success keeping them with a variety of tankmates, tho, I would suggest that if they are your first experience with SH, a species only tank will be less of a chore.
The second photo is just the girls (males are kind of a pain). I have not had a problem with illness or injury :joy: . The small pony, Fin has been with us for 2 years, the larger, Sophia, for a year or so.
What a treat they are!



Hey guys! I have two male h. erectus that I've had for 1 year this month! :cheer:
It's also recommended to have Diamox on hand, as they can get GBD. (Gas Bubble Disease) Although I haven't had to use one medication since I've had them, I'm definitely all for having meds on hand before you get them!