Seaweed Sheets


What's the secret to keeping them in the clip in one piece? Mine keeps tearing off and floating around the tank.

tx reef

Active Member
They will only stay together for about 12 hours. I usually put one in twice a week in the morning and then take it out at night.


Active Member
I usually fold it in half....I've tried just putting it in the clip and the Tangs are like mad men when they go after it, and rip it to death and send it floating, but I've found doubling it up works for me.....


Active Member
hey tx reef ....I wish I could keep a piece for 12 minutes let alone 12 hours.
When I put in a piece my tangs all go apesh$t and it is gone in minutes.


joncat mine do the same thing. 20 minutes max and it's floating.
Thanks for the idea's. I'm going to try doubling it up first.


Active Member
Mine used to do the same exact thing. Rip the sheet right off the clip. Lioncrazz told me to rubber band it to a piece of rock. And what do ya know, it worked!! That was THE only way I could keep the sheet from floating around the tank and eventually getting lost. I used a bigger rubber band so the would actually have to work to eat it off the rock.

fishy head

mine rips it off and them it gets stuck ing the pump,,,them I have to dig it out,,,,some times I turn the pump off for a while :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
You can also fold it over and put it between the glass and magfloat so the tangs not only have to work at getting it, but you can lower it into the tank to give the inverts a treat.
Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishy head
mine rips it off and them it gets stuck ing the pump,,,them I have to dig it out,,,,some times I turn the pump off for a while :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish

Yep, same here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Merredeth
You can also fold it over and put it between the glass and magfloat so the tangs not only have to work at getting it, but you can lower it into the tank to give the inverts a treat.
Denise M.

I've tried that too but they still tear it apart. I'm glad I'm not the only one w/this problem.


I stopped using the clip for the same reason. Now I take the strip of seaweed and rub it between my finger and thumb until it breaks up and floats around in the tank. That way all my vegetarians get some and not just my Tang (R.I.P.)