sebae anenome


New Member
I am new at this. i have a 28 gallon tank with a clown. i JUST purchased a sebae anenome. when i came home from work teh next day it was all shriveld up and deflated. is this normal?..should i do anything? my water parameters are nitrate 0 nitrite 0 amonia 0 temp 78-79 salt is 1.021 i have 65 wtts of daylight and 65 watts of blue actinic lighting and it is on for 8 hours a day.


is ur seabae white? well its not supposed to be, their really brownish, the "bleach" during shipping, i have one for about 6 months now and he is brown with yellowish tips, not white with purple tips like i see in the lfs. hopefully with goos lights and water he will change back to brown, make sure u feed him about 3 times and week. even with clown feeding him. since they are bleached they cant make their own food. but yes they do deflate its normal, but if u start seeing "goo" come out of him he is problemly dieing. good luck with him. ur lights should be good enough for him.


Active Member
Yes it is normal. Mine inflates and deflates all the time. If you see goo coming out of him don't automatically assume he is dying. If you have fed him recently he is probably expelling waste. When they die they look like they are melting.


New Member
I got my Seabae about 14 months ago. It was about 3 inches across at that time. I have the Current-USA Dual Compact PC lights. 260 watts. My Seabae is now 8 inches across and doing great. So they can do fine under something besides Metal Halides.


Originally Posted by ram6519
I got my Seabae about 14 months ago. It was about 3 inches across at that time. I have the Current-USA Dual Compact PC lights. 260 watts. My Seabae is now 8 inches across and doing great. So they can do fine under something besides Metal Halides.

Awesome and there is always an exception to the rule somewhere. Just curious but with that lighting how often do you change those PC bulbs and in what size tank are they on. I ask so that when I see 260 watts of PC lights on a certain size tank with a sebae, I might be able to say "maybe give it a try".


I can tell you from exp i have grown small sps frags into large heads using 4X96w pc lights on a 46gallon tank.