sebae anenomes and clowns


I just bought 2 sebae anenomes yesterday and put them in my new 75 gal tank. I also moved the two clowns I had got with the tank back into the tank since it has cycled. The question i have is why is my clowns not swimming in the sea anenomes. I have pics of the clowns and anenomes on my site take a look and tell me what u think.web page


im not sure i think they are percs. the anenomes are 4-6''. Look at the fish on my site and u can tell what kind they are. When i picked up the tank they said the clowns were sebaes but i think they are percs.


you need to give it time how long have they been in there it takes time to get used to new things!!
i added an anemone with my clowns and they still havent' accepted it anther reason was they were tank raised and not used to seeing anemones
I have a sebae anenome with purple tips, and when I got it I also picked up a perc. clown but the clown didn't want anything to to with it. I went back to my LFS and got a "saddleback" clown and put him in my tank. It wasn't but 10 min. and he was all over and in the anenome. Maybe try another type of clown I have heard that some percs. don't really like anenomes. I guess it's luck
Good-Luck :D


well these guys are like 2yrs old and came with the tank i bought. I wouldnt want ot just trade them. Could I add different kinds of clowns in the same tank. Could I get some different anenomes and try with these clowns, if so what kind would be good to try?


perc dont go in sebaes. Almost never. They like ritteri, and carpet, and sometimes bubble. Just get a different anenome


Active Member
You have Amphiprion ocellaris clowns - false percs.
dhe420 is correct, different clownfish will only bond with certain anenomes - Percs and Ocellaris unfortunately are very picky. Also the ritteri and carpet are some of the hardest anenomes to keep healthy.
I hope you have VERY good water and lighting if you decide to get one.
I have heard that they will occasionally bond with a Sarcophyton (toadstool coral) and mine occasionally lay in my hairy mushrooms.


I have a one tomato and one clarkii clown and two anemones. One is a sebae and the other a bubble tip. The clarkii took to the bubble tip in three hours, but it took my tomato clown a month and a hald to take to an anemone. I think he learned from watching the clarkii and finally took to the sebae.


My maroon clown became very aggressive when I added the seabate anemones in my tank. She killed every fish in my tank. After a year, I have to trade her for two small per clowns(not tank raise)because I want to add more fish. After one day, I am so lucky to see these per go straight to the seabate anemones (light brown in color with purple tips). Give them couple more days before switching the clown or anemones. Good luck! :D


You have to be careful when adding in clowns as they are territorial (remember they are related to the damsels). Your clowns are false percs.
I have stated this a few times in other posts but you need excellent water quality and very strong lighting to keep anemones. Without this they will wither away after a few months. My own personal opinion is that they should only be kept by experienced aquarists. Before I stopped keeping them (10 years ago) I found that clowns can be very picky with their anemones. I found that percs didn't particularly like sebaes but preferred carpets or long-tentacled. Of course this is not always the case. I would try a medium sized carpet anemnone (6-8 inches) if you really want to. Good luck.... :cool:


when you get clowns, get wild caught if you want them to go to the anenomes. I have read that captive bread clowns lack the instinct to bond with anenomes.