Sebae Help



Originally Posted by Littlebuck
I think he might have been stressed out from moving him in and out of the tank. I cant believed i killed him that sucks so bad. And now that hes gone i want another one. SHould i wait? and do i need to get a smaller one? And since he died the other one wont hang out in the BTA anymore.Thank you for you help sorry for the long post.
Yep, stressed out. Jumping from one tank to another is rough on the system. Read this about osmotic shock.
Osmotic shock.
Most fish regulate how "wet" their bodies are through active osmosis, this basically means that they have the ability to pump water in or out of their bodies to match their current conditions, most oceans are very similar in levels of salinity, so normally this isn't a problem.
The problem starts when we as keepers neglect to inform ourselves of the chemical composition of our tanks, the salinity, ph and hardness all play important roles, this form of infection usually presents itself if a fish/invert is placed in a bag at a lfs, then carefully transported home, the keeper then opens the bag and dumps the poor fish into the tank, the difference in ph and salinity between the 2 tanks may not be significant, but it usually is enough to make the fish pump out so much internal water (in a attempt to become more salty)that it dies of dehydration( this would happen if your salinity was higher than the lfs) or the opposite if the salinity is lower than the lfs the fish would start to suck in water to become "less salty" and match its environment, this usually causes internal hemmoraging and renal failure resulting in a slow and very painful death.
inverts are especially prone to osmotic shock due the the hard exoskeleton which means that water takes much longer to diffuse inside its body.
what can you do to prevent it??
This is the easy part.. try to match your lfs water parameters if possible, make your tanks salinity, ph and hardness as close to theirs as you can to minimize shock, and always acclimatize well, float a bag with a new fish in for a few hours, adding 10mls or so of tank water to the bag every 10-15mins so the animal/invert/coral slowly becomes used to the new water chemistry, this may take a few hours of hassle, but it reduces almost all chances of shock, and stress induced disease like ich.
Go ahead and get another one to put in the tank with your new one, but acclimate it slowly and properly. Take the time.


Active Member
OK i appricate it, Can i move my LR so that my BTA is in a diffrent spot or will he just move on his own again once i move the rock he is on? Because its on the back of some LR and you cant really see him since its facing the back of the tank? Also i bought some new food today it has squid, shrimp, clams or muscles, white fish and i think that is it. Should that be ok to feed? Its the only thing wal-mart had and she said alot of people use it for salt water feeding. Well i appricate all of you help.


Active Member
Also adding on to that all my other fish that i got there were fine. So i didnt think that was a problem. But maybe there tanks are all messed up. Who knows but thank you


Normal behavior for a new bubble tip to go to the back of the tank, I've heard it happening so many times its not funny. Not sure why. My suggestion would be to leave him alone for at least two weeks and let him figure out your tank. I figure if you just move the rock he will only move from there anyway.
Perhaps you could look into some frozen mysis shrimp or frozen plankton to feed him. Until then go ahead and try what you picked up.


Active Member
OK i will leave him alone and then get another clown and hopefully they go back with the BTA i hope. I will try to feed that stuff if they dont like it i will try to get that stuff. It wants to much so its not a big deal. Is there a clown that will do better witha BTA or will false perc doo just fine?


I have false percs and they do just fine with their BTA's