Originally posted by Seabry
So that would explain why it won't eat anything...its not hungry....is there any way I can get it to have more...zooanthellane anything I can add to the water...that wont hurt the other ifsh and stuff?
And should I be concerned that he doesn't stick to anything....I know they move but it doesn't sting my wrasse...the wrasse just picks out the food I feed it.
Even though it's regaining zoo it should still eat and it should stick it's foot to an area. Thing is, it does sound like it's regaining health so just keep trying to get it to take some meaty food. You might try making sure your wrasse is busy already eating before you stick a piece of food on your anenomes tentacles. Only the light will help with the zoo so no, there is nothing you can add. Just keep a good stable water system for it. HTH