I have twice tried to add a Sebae to My tank and have had no luck both times. It seems about the time my F. Percula Clown pair starts to get aquainted (1.5 weeks after introduction), the anenome moves, gets into the rocks, rolls over and kicks the bucket. I have a variety of healthy corals (Mushrooms, hard corals) doing well, a goodly amount of reef cleaners (Crabs, shrimp, snails) One 2 yr old Long Tentacled Anenome. The Sebae is never near the LTA as they are on opposite sides of the tank in separate rock piles. I do have Charcoal, as well as a skimmer and good flow. Chems are fine, salinity is about 1.22/23 as this seems to be where everything does best. The few other fish I have leave the anenomes alone. Some photos are attached.
So, the question is: What the heck is going on?

So, the question is: What the heck is going on?