Sebae Misfortune



I have twice tried to add a Sebae to My tank and have had no luck both times. It seems about the time my F. Percula Clown pair starts to get aquainted (1.5 weeks after introduction), the anenome moves, gets into the rocks, rolls over and kicks the bucket. I have a variety of healthy corals (Mushrooms, hard corals) doing well, a goodly amount of reef cleaners (Crabs, shrimp, snails) One 2 yr old Long Tentacled Anenome. The Sebae is never near the LTA as they are on opposite sides of the tank in separate rock piles. I do have Charcoal, as well as a skimmer and good flow. Chems are fine, salinity is about 1.22/23 as this seems to be where everything does best. The few other fish I have leave the anenomes alone. Some photos are attached.
So, the question is: What the heck is going on?



Yeah, I know, I spelled (spelt?) anemone wrong... I have anenomes in the garden, anemones in the tank.


They are both spelled anemone. I would not have corrected you, just FYI.
Impossible to guess, sebaes are more fussy than a LTAs. What size tank is it? Lighting? Your tank is beautiful and it's better not to mix species in the same tank.


Now I know why everyone uses LTA, BTA, etc... Saves the embarassment.
Thanks for the reply... and the compliment.
This particular tank is a 55 Gallon with Coralife w/ 2 65W Actinic and 2 65W 10000K and lunar LEDs, on a timer system with 8 hours daylight and 11 hours total actinic.
I've read and seen the reports on the various opinions regarding mixing of species, and I guess I'll have to side with the "Don't do it" crowd... Any thoughts on what "might" (Stand a better chance) be compatable and still host the clowns (And that statement puts me back in the "dont do it...But..." catagory)


I have a sebae and my maroon clown loves it. I tried one before and it done the exact same thing, rolled over and kicked the bucket, the only thing different I have in my tank now is my light system and a better flow, and he is thriving! I have adjusted the flow before to blow right near it and he kept backing away, so I turned the jet and he came right back to the front. He is not directly in the "sunlight", hes under a cave like structure I fixed with the rock but its like off-sun, not direct. I first put him one a rock at the top of the tank when I first got it, and the clown kinda put him where he wanted him to be, the sebae is not fixed to a rock....he kinda on the glass at the bottom of the tank b/c the clown has moved all the sand out of the way.
Hope this just gives you a little highlight on some of my experience.


Well i wouldn't add another one but since you seem determined I'd go with a bta, not percs natural host but they possibly host it. I have a juvinelle onyx (perc)that took to a bta rather quickly. They are the most forgiving of the host anemones. Your lighting (in my opinion) is inadequate for a sebae, I have never kept them but they require metal halides. If you really want a host anemone why the condy? I'd consider removing it, at least that would give you a better chance for successfully keeping a host anemone.
If you want to try a sebae again I'd suggest upgrading your lighting, rather expensive though.
Here is a link, Lighting is discussed on page 2.


Goodness, I'd been away for a couple o' days and looks like folks got back to me.
cloienc27... Thanks for the input, and thanks for the comments. Lights seems to be a common factor in the answers
The_Hadleys... on the Blues, I bought the first couple as "blue Mushrooms". They see to like where they are and are spreading. I think they are...
(per the book) Actinodiscidae or Discosomatidae and are also commonly called as Mushroom Anemones, Flower Corals and Disc Anemones. The scientific name of Blue Mushrooms is Actinodiscus species.
Again, thanks for the nice words on the photos... I have enjoyed the labor but abhored the cost of getting (and keeping) this going. I used to get stuck in front of the TV... Now I have to yank myself away from the tank.
And to Lmecher... As to why the condy... It was cheap and I wanted to see if I was ready for a Anemone. It has lived through several moves and several "trimmings" brought about by close encounters with the skimmer inout and just keeps keeping on. So I guess I forego the Host and let the critters who were first remain. You advise a lighting change and I guess its time to start another tank (damn the cost! Full speed ahead!) for the other directions I want to take. Thanks much for your advice and response.
Meowzer... Annie Mae would be bigger but for the "trimmings". Yes, the skimmer is moved another location (again). The fish I have avoid her (it) and she has never presented an issue. I do feed her shrimp and try to keep her sated.


geeeezzz ... I gotta get my glasses changed. Sorry about the misspellings


Are you sure starting another tank is wise??
I said the same thing a few years ago and now I cycling #4 and planning # 5.
It's a disease
run for the hills while you can,. there is still hope for you.
Just kidding, It happens slowly until every room in your house has something saltwater related in it. But good luck with the planning.


Originally Posted by Lmecher
Are you sure starting another tank is wise??
I said the same thing a few years ago and now I cycling #4 and planning # 5.
It's a disease
run for the hills while you can,. there is still hope for you.
Just kidding, It happens slowly until every room in your house has something saltwater related in it. But good luck with the planning.
How true....I have 4 FW, then I got a 225g sw, and 1 1/2 months later bought a 54g SW so I could have horses..TOO LATE TO RUN FOR ME THOUGH


Im lost... 4 FW, the 55 SW and looking for a SW 150++ just another lost soul. The funny thing is, I wouldn't buy another boat because of the "hole in the water you pour money into" truism. And now...