Sebae moving around


I hope someone can help me out. I bought a very nice sebae anenome at my lfs several days ago. Th first day in the tank it did great, fully inflated...looked very good. The next morning however, it had moved behing a bunch of lr (where no light can reach) and is now looking pretty bad...deflated etc. It hasn't moved from hat spot in a couple days and I'm wondering if I should try to move it myself. I'm just afraid that moving it will stress it out. Has anyone had this experience? Thanks in advance for any advice.


Moving it does stress it out. What I hope it is doing is simply acclimating to your tank, this process usually takes about 2 weeks. Moving expense energy and its normal for it to look shrunken while doing this. Right now its getting used to your water chemsitry, lighting, and photo cycle. It should continue to move until it finds a proper location. It could also be in shock, not sure though since I can't see it.
It is best to have MH lighting for a sebae, and stable reef paramiters, skimmer is recommended as well.


Thanks Thomas. My water parameters are all good and tank has been up for 9 months. I don't have halides, but I've got pc...400 watts on 150 gallon.


Is the sebae white? Do you know about anemone bleaching?
Was it under halides when you got it?


I'm really not familiar with bleaching, although I have heard of it. It was not under halide at the lfs, but they had just recieved it 2 days before I bought it. The good news is that it's starting to reinflate and looking pretty good, although he is still hidden under a rock?!?!?